JoinedTopics Started by ARoarer
WT/UN/Self-fulfilled Prophecy?
by ARoarer ini was wondering if anyone has been wondering what i have been wondering.
it seems to me the wt likes to read the bible and then pick out scriptures to make self-fulfill.
if they for the last 10 years have been a member of the un as an ngo to secretly recieve the benefits of that position, they are also using the current events to further their image as the "true" religion.
Telethon for WTC
by ARoarer inhow beautiful the music combined with this all consuming collective grief we all feel in behalf of those who experienced tragedy on sept 11 in nyc.
i am moved at the heart and feel the pain that is being expressed here tonight via television.
humanity at it's highest level is being displayed through one another and the cries go up to heaven through the music and the words and the stories of the victims.
Psalms 20:4 & Psalms 60:4 Israelites had ...
by ARoarer inancient israel made banners to carry in front of them.
a banner is a flag.
psalms 20:5 says "we will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our god we will set up banners" and psalms 60:4 says "thou hast given a banner to those that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.
Will Watchtower Support the Rescue Effort??
by ARoarer inwith all there real estate and access to individuals that could voluteer, i wonder if bethel feels moved to open it's to the many caring people that are there working ferverishly to rescue the victims in this tragedy.
would bethel donate sandwiches for even offer water to the thristy volunteers?
my son's classes have been cancelled at nyit today and his dorm is in the heart of bethel.
"SPECIAL CARDS" To see GB Go to Heaven
by ARoarer ini think the special cards are going to be passes for congregations who are run by pedophiles and thier families to watch the gb pass out the kool-ade to the "glorious ones" taking the lead over thier respective congregations.
then, after they "fall asleep" in death, the "glorious ones" (elders, not angels silly) will have "new light" given them about how they must drink the kool-ade too, so they can "fall asleep " too, but be raised within a "twinkling of an eye" to greet the ones who already "fell asleep in death" at the special meeting of oct 7. then after the gb dispenses this "new light" at the proper time to the glorious ones, they will announce to the rest of the r&f that they will be drinking the kool-ade too, so that they too can "die faithful" and go directly to heaven to rule as "kings and priests".
they will also invite dateline to come and film their faithful act before all opposers, and announce the "new light" to the rest of the congregations who were not invited to the special meeting.
Paul Berry Found Guilty!!!!!!!!!!
by ARoarer inyessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was taken away in handcuffs, and dateline got the whole thing.
watchtower is tarnished.
Witness stabs a 16 yr old teen
by ARoarer inhas anyone heard about the news article in the august 8 record, about the young teen murdered by another ex-bethelit over a dispute over a girl?
it happend last week in ringwood, new jersey, and the jw's involved from the west milford congregation, as mentioned in the paper.
Wolves in the Courtroom
by ARoarer inhi silentlambs, i just wanted to tell you that my heart will be with you and those who are going to the trial to give support to the ones who where harmed by the pedophile and his "wolfpack" supporters taking the lead over the ones calling the victim "whore" and "slut".
i think it is disgusting how these "earthly representatives of christ" can have the "implied permission" of the watchtower org.
while they harass and intimidate these victims in the name of thier watchtower "god".
by ARoarer ini have been reading from other bibles and comparing them to the wt.
translation in the nwt and found it interesting that the information that they use in the reasoning book regarding apostates is taken from jude and the experience of korah with moses.
it seems they use this scripture to identify elders as the "glorious ones", and anyone speaking against the society is compared to korah speaking against moses.