You may not want to, but many of my friends have been able to find a measure of comfort with drugs....sometimes they are necessary. Don't let yourself fall into it too much without a doctor to help you....
Paxil is their weapon of choice.
i went to the depression and health forum because i thought i might find some who are suffering or have suffered from depression as i am..
You may not want to, but many of my friends have been able to find a measure of comfort with drugs....sometimes they are necessary. Don't let yourself fall into it too much without a doctor to help you....
Paxil is their weapon of choice.
hey ... i'm just getting into the swing of this great 'apostasy' thing right ... ?
... i thought y'all out there might well have a story or two to tell, so ... plz tell me tell me tell me about the most embarrasing thing you ever saw at a meeting ...
I thought this was a funny thread that some of us newbies might not have seen.....
many of us have pounded the watchtower publications a lot for their 1975 predictions, and the general attitdue among jws as the society pushed the last few months or even weeks before armageddon - as 1975 approached.
what we have not mentioned too much is what the jw culture was like, and how we all saw world events lining up to bring forth the war of the great day of god the almighty at har-megeddon!.
late 1960s: as we wrapped up the decade of the 60s, we had witnessed three major political assassinations, the stepping up of the endless viet nam war, the social rebellion of the hippies, the loss of usa national and international respect, declining economy, irrelevancy in many mainline churches, the drug culture, college riots everywhere, and civil rights movement -- all of these -- nearly splitting our nation apart.
Amazing, i know i know. Nothing will cure sad people of their desire for a dream. For them, it will remain just that, a dream, until their deaths. It's a real shame.
i have this situation with my husband that is really bugging me.
his parents are still jws.
they are the not-very-active-but-still-hard-liners type, especially his dad.
If you don't want to reveal, activly conceal. Your hubby just needs to be a little proavtive and tell them he's going out of town on business, and that if they need to reach him to call you and leave a message....simple.
If they ask you how he is..."fine. work is hard no matter what you do."
ambiguity is a wonderful thing.
i missed them because i was out, but my wife answered the door.
she told the two older gentlemen that her husband was a jw for twelve years and decided to leave.
Throw mayo and balogna at them next time.
Always keep a ready supply at the door, near the mailbox.
i believe it was alanf who started this thread back in june regarding the evolution of baptism vows..
also, isocf (ray franz) on pgs 117-120 discusses this also - detailing the right of the borg to disfellowship its members.. from alan's post it appears that if you were a minor and baptized before 1985, you could legally state that you did not vow loyalty to the organization, and could rightly reject a jc's attempts to disassociate or disfellowship you.
is this correct?.
I'll tell you what...If I get even one sign that I can resign without true repercussions, I would in a heartbeat...but even if we could "legally" do so, the elders would still encourage the other people in the congregation to shun others. I think it will always be an issue, even if the WTBTS even would comdemn it (though we all know that's not going to happen).
the wts has made a whole range of prophecies that are fulfilled in seemingly insignificant matters.
the cedar point conventions are foretold in revelation...they say.
but there are much more significant events that don't get a mention!
Good lord. The WTBTS is always a hoot when it comes to prophecy. Thanks for posting the interesting stuff, guys....I never DID pay enough attention to this junk when I was in.
i picked up my 18 year old step son today, i mentioned last week that his dad threw him out because sean and his step mom didn't get along.
dad handed off luggage, etc, a hug and a reminder to "go to meetings as often as you can.".
as soon as his dad was out of ear shot sean said, "well, i'm 18 now, i have options, what would i have to do if i wanted to become catholic?".
Just give and keep giving him reasons to not return. First and foremost in his mind will be the lack of pressure to be perfect. My wife was browbeaten for the smallest indiscretion, even if she made a wonderful dinner for her parents, they would critisize her if the silverware of out of place.
Unfortunatly, witnesses eventually let their militaristic attitude take over family life, and the whole house become part of "jehovah's encampment'.
Just show him what real people think and do, and how their love seems to stretch to the tangible bounds of christian love, while the JW's is hinged on outdated inhibition.
These days if you don't like an elder's wife's cooking you're and apostate....there really is no defined rules for apostacy, which makes these people all the more dangerous around the weaker minded people, especially those with suicidal tendencies and those who may have no other friends and family.
It's a shame how they can chain a person to religion and expect them to agree with whatever the 'society' says {or an interpretaion of what they say}.
is it normal for those that refuse blood to not know their blood type?
that is usually one of the first things that the hospital lets parents know about their kids and when you go for any blood work it is on the top of the sheet.
i have a very rare blood type and i questioned my boyfriend about his for future knowlege when we have kids.
Mine is {Sexybitchposititve}. The rest of you can have your old 'O' or AB-......