I remember an elder once talking about his shit-kicker boots in the kh parking lot. That kind of shocked me. My uncle was reading the paragraphs at bookstudy one night and kept saying "orgasm" instead of "organism". My aunt and still laugh about that one to this day. I also remember being at my grandparents for a family dinner when my husband and I were still witnesses. I forget what happened, but he yelled out "Oh [edit]!' Everyone pretended like they didn't hear him. Thankfully my elder-former p.o. granpa is almost deaf and didn't hear it!!
JoinedPosts by nb-dfed
Swearing on the platform
by sleepy indid you every hear anyone say something really dodgy from the platform when giving a talk?
i heard a couple of stories of people getting really enthusiastic when giving a talk or pray accidently swearing.
one time in my book study group a sister called someone a dickhead in her answer, it was very hard not to laught.
do you ever?????
by Lehaa indo you ever get used to bumping into witnesses that you know.. i still go out in with the thought of it tin the back of my mind.
i hate the death stares i get.
i feel like walking uo to them and saying "i'm not the devil or a murderer, just no longer a witness".
I still get nervous when I run into a witness. I smoke now and have several tattoos, so I always wonder what the rumor are going to be around the hall. I'll say hi sometimes. At our local mall, they have a table set up where the hand out literature. I am ashamed to admit that sometimes I'll go out of my way to avoid them. I'm just not a confrontational. It's still weird after all this years, but it has gotten easier. My biggest fear is running into my former best friend. That will be the weirdest one, cause I have so much to say to her. I just don't know if I'll have the courage to do it. Anyways, hang in there.
How Many JWs or ExJWs Have Some Type of Mental Problems?
by minimus indo you think they are more succeptible to illness than others?
I think the rate of mental illness is very high. I suffered from depression. My husband literally lost his mind for a while and had to take anti-psychotics. He was also depressed and suicidal for a very long tiime. It really messes with your head.
Believable Or NOT!!!!
by Sweetp0985 ini don't know about everyone else but i just want to get these stories of godly/demonic intervention out of my system.
hope it doesn't bore you but some are a good laugh now but i truly believed them and some i still believe.. 1. don't open that cabinet- one day my dear step mother was cleaning the kitchen and needed something out of a cabinet that was rarely used.
there was a plastic cake dish that makes this very audible noise when trying to close it(lil cheap cake from winn dixie).
Ah, the age old smurf legend. I thought that was just a local urban legend. I can remember my little brother throwing away his smurf doll because he heard about the one where the smurf doll got up and walked out of the meeting. My question was always how the demonized doll got into the kingdom hall, seeing as god's holy spirit was supposed to be there. :)
when an i no longer a newbie
by nb-dfed ini'm a newbie, and i was just wondering how one attains the different ranks on this website, such as "jedi master".
just curious.
I'm a newbie, and I was just wondering how one attains the different ranks on this website, such as "jedi master". Just curious.
G'Mo's Poll#1-Are xjws more likely to have been "devout" than current jws?
by Glenmore inmy theory is that a lot of us were really into the culture.
in our hey day jill (my wife) and i had two keys to the kh.
she pioneered, i was an ms and aux pio'd.
My husband and I were Super-Witnesses. We both were pioneers, went to pioneer school. We were often assigned parts at the meeting. I even had two parts at the assemblies. We studied for all the meetings. Very devout.
How a JW treats a friend
by Sirius Dogma ini have been thinking lately how being raised a jw taught me to be a terrible friend.. to a jw friendship is completely conditional.
if you don't share the same beliefs as me, you cannot be my friend.
if you offend my conscience, you cannot be my friend.
After leaving the "truth", I learned that most of my friendships in the congregation were just a sham. Nobody was there for me when my life fell apart. All they could see was that I wasn't attending meetings, and therefore I wasn't good enough to associate with. I was, however, a good topic for gossip in the congregation. I have heard so many outrageous rumors that my so-called friends have beein passing around. I also realized that being a witness seriously handicapped me when it came time to make friends in the real world. All through school I avoided friendships with worldly people because..."BAD ASSOCIATIONS SPOIL USEFUL HABITS"!! (Who among us has not had that drilled into their brains?) Even if I could be friends with them at school, my parents most certainly would not allow me to have them over or talk to them on the phone. So, when I left, I felt like this huge dysfunctional mess that could not carry on a normal conversation with a regular person. I feel that growing up as a witness seriously screwed me over as far as making friendships and maintaining them. Okay, I'm done ranting now. Thanks for listening. Hang in there everyone!!
The fall out of shunning
by unbeliever inmy mom has shunned my df'd sister for 10+ years.
my brothers and i are not baptised and she will have a relationship with us even though its very strained.
we have gotten together a few times over the years and had a meal together that mom cooked.
I know this must be very difficult for you. I am df'ed and shunned by my parents and brother. My little sister (who still lives at home) and I have a "secret" relationship. Any communication we have is sneaky. This whole shunning thing is ridiculously painful. I know you are in a difficult position, but I feel that to choosing your sister is the right choice. Your mother has a choice to associate with all of her children or not. Hopefully she will make the right one... Hang in there.
Newbies to screwbies, At what stag of recovery are you?
by jst2laws inat what stage of recovery are you?
are you angry?
are you depressed?
I can answer yes to all the questions, except the one about finding a new true religion. I was (and still am sometimes) horribly angry. I was depressed. I didn't know where to turn. I felt very lost and very guilty for such a long time. I was angry because I was raised in this religion, and anything other then being a witness was not an option. I was angry because when I finally opened my eyes and realized I could make my own decisions about my beliefs, I was made to feel like an outcast and a horrible person. I was depressed because everthing that I believed in with all my heart was a farce. I felt guilty because I thought all my thoughts and all my questions were betraying God. I am, however, past all that. I can truly say that I finally feel balanced and happy. I don't feel lost anymore. I don't hate God anymore. I feel alive and enlightened, and grateful for it all!!
how does everyone else cope with being shunned by family?
by nb-dfed ini am a newbie to the site.
i was born an raised a jw.
shortly after marriage, my husband and i decided we no longer wanted to be part of the organization.
You are definitely right. After consideration, I knew it would be against all my morals and values to get reinstated just to see my fam. I would feel hypocritical, and I just can't live with that on my conscience. It's getting easier daily and I know I will be okay, with or without 'em.