I presume the JWs believe that the 'times of trouble' will be 7 years or something like that - during that time what provisions have the JW organisation made to stay up and running? Seems to me that if communications fail the local congs will be pretty much stiffed without their weekly magazine study. Does the JW org teach any form of physical preparedness or is it every publisher for themselves?.
Posts by Qcmbr
If there is a global catastrophe how will JW structure survive?
by Qcmbr ini presume the jws believe that the 'times of trouble' will be 7 years or something like that - during that time what provisions have the jw organisation made to stay up and running?
seems to me that if communications fail the local congs will be pretty much stiffed without their weekly magazine study.
does the jw org teach any form of physical preparedness or is it every publisher for themselves?.
Will there be any mention of John Pauls death at the KH tommorrow?
by Dismembered inwith the death of john paul ii, will there be any honorable mention at the sunday meeting tommorrow?.
"don't you go dyin' on me now"
He was honourbly mentioned at the start of the LDS general conerence
How do you know when your spouse is cheating on you?
by Thegoodgirl inokay, i know this is personal, but i kind of like the annoninimity of the board versus asking my friends who are all also friends with my husband.. my husband went out of the country with a group from work this weekend.
i was supposed to go but had to cancel due to other stuff.
it turned out only 4 ended up going, my husband, a guy, and two women.
Go find someone who is a friend (male), arange a date (have him in on it) make it well known to your hubby and tell him since he's decided to sleep in the room with other women you've decided to spend more quality time with other men.
I'm kidding but what a wally! -
That is sooo funny. I really like it thanks.
Recommend a film
by Satans little helper inno big hollywood blockbusters, no explosion fests, just good films with a decent cast and a decent script.
definitely nothing with keanu reeves and preferably something that will touch the audience rather than just wash over them.
timeframe immaterial but quality is important.
Lord of The Rings 1-3 Star Wars 4-6 Shawshank Redemption Blade Runner Bicentennial Man Field Of Dreams Gladiator Rocky Everafter Phenomenon The Day After Tomorrow Shrek 1& 2 The Incredibles Toy Story 1 & 2
To all god-believers, what have you experienced at God's hand?
by AlmostAtheist inatheists and the like are welcome to read along, but please keep this thread to the believers.
i'm looking for your "testimony" if you will.
what have you experienced in your life that you attribute to god or jesus or whoever?
1/ Very direct answer to prayer to find out if God was there (no I won't elaborate:)
2/ Protection from an attack from something supernatural (no I wont elaborate:)
3/ I healed someone who had cancer.
4/ I baptised many people while preaching - each and every time the spiritual experiences and feelings were very intense and some involved what I would class as miracles.
5/ Had a dream about my wife when I was 14 years old - the dream contained location and actual feelings - I went to university based on that dream and married my wife while still a student.
6/ Have received several very direct answers to doctrinal questions after prayer.
7/ Received my patriarchal blessing - (personal scripture and revelation from God that gives guidance and personal instruction - it is so far 100% correct - and no its not a horoscope)
8/ I have had several dramatic changes of heart in direct response to prayer - changes of heart that were quite profound.
9/ Paid tithing all my life and never suffered finacially - in fact I've always had enough money to cover my needs and my family's (extended at times)
10/ Lots and lots of basic solid knowledge from teh church (does that count?)
11/ Was part of casting out of demons episode (not point 2) - not pleasant.
12/ Have received all the saving ordinaces (baptism, gift of Holy Ghost, sacrament, endowment and temple marriage) - don't know if that counts.
13/ Had opportunity to be a missionary for 2 years and be completely focused on God and Jesus - made a big impact.
14/ Have two gorgeous daughters.
15/ Have continuing revelation from a living prophet. -
is the future more or less bleak for the atheist?
by doogie ina thread from yesterday got me thinking about something.
is it possible that human life is less bleak if not viewed through the eyes of theism?
traditionally, i think there?s a general understanding that to look at the world through ?god-colored?
As a 'Theist' I think my future is brill, rather similar to my present and my past. The best thing about being a believer is knowing why I'm here, where I'm going and what things I can decide to do. No disrespect for aethiests but they currently hold the sway in the UK and we are seeing the complete and total dismantling of the family here - now that is bleak!
It was a long hot day and I'd been knocking on doors for the best part of the morning so my companion and I decided to break up the boredom a little.
As I knocked on the door my companion would pace the bottom of the garden pretending to do measurements and writing things down. I would then say something like:
'Hello Madam , we're just calling by to see whether you got your letter from the council'
'Er ..what letter'
'Ah right, its to inform you that we are compulsary purchasing the bottom two feet from your garden so that we can expand the street and create a bypass for the M5 motorway.'
'You what...!'
'..Yes, the amount you'll be compensated for is fairly substantial and we'd just like your signature here.'
'Your kidding right?'
'Yea we are, would you like to have a copy of the Book of Mormon...?'
We did this for about five houses and then we moved onto the 'Council checking the plumbing scam.' Ahh what larks. -
speaking in tongues....words with meanings or jibberish sounds?
by sad and lonely inhi my sister and brother-in-law who claims to be a preacher,see visions,and who claims god sends him messages,say that speaking in tongues isn't words anyone can understand but the one who's doing it.and only he can tell the people what he was saying.i didn't a gree with him.i trying to show him a scripture i read,about the flames coming over the congrgations head..(i'm not really good yet with finding scriptures on my own)but i know i read it!
he said i don't understand because i'm not in the carnal(being at gods level of understanding..as he is!
) i witness it recently when my brother-in-law was in the icu from a heart attack.his sista was at frist praying,then she started making those crazy sounds...i almost ran out!...it scared the crap out of me!...i don't believe thats from god...can anyone help with scriptures for me to show my family what speaking in tongues really is?...thanks!
Had a fun experience as a missionary. We went to a Born Again church where they were speaking in tongues etc.. all very interesting anyhow we then happened to knock on the door of one of the members of that church. He was so chuffed (happy) to see us and said that God had brought us to his door - we couldn't agree more - he then started to tell us about how bad the Book Of Mormon is which is fair enough but as were obviously sticking to our story he decided to rebuke us using the gift of tongues.
After a few seconds of fairly interesting sounds (I'm not overly spiritual so I couldn't tell what he was saying) my companion says,
'What does that mean?' and the guy says 'It means God is great.'
I'm a bit cheeky (as people who read my posts may guess) so I chirped up, 'Why didn't you just say that.'
He wasn't impressed and closed the door on us - ah well. One day I will understand that language! -
Modalism vs. Trinitarianism (which one stands better against JW doctrine?)
by Ianone inmodalistic monarchianism, also known as modalism, is the view that god variously manifested himself as the father (primarily in the old testament), other times as the son (primarily from jesus?
conception to his ascension), and other times as the holy spirit (primarily after jesus?
ascension into heaven).
Thanks Little Toe. Two points I owe everyone a clarification on: Point 1: Rejecting the Holy Spirit is worse than rejecting Jesus and God the Father - explanation: There are three 'degrees of Glory' (three places of reward for all people who came to earth) 1 Celestial - also known as Eternal Life (Eternal meaning God's Life - not just forever) presided over by our Father. To get here you accept Jesus as your mediator and Saviour. 2 Terrestrial - people here have rejected Jesus as their Saviour (so the atonement is not accepted and they are not made one with their Father) - hence they reject the Father. These are good people who accept Jesus as their ruler ('every knee shall bow and every tongue confess') 3 Telestial - people here are wicked (no I'm not going to define that !) and reject Jesus. They are ministered to by the Holy Spirit. There is one more place - Outer Darkness - the place where Satan and his Angels reside - it is ruled by Cain (he has a body and Satan doesn't) and anyone who rejects even the Holy Spirit will have this as their chosen lot. IE it is not worse to reject the Holy Spirit than toReject Jesus or God the Father it just represents the final rejection that means people don't want to live in a kingdom of glory - in many ways it would have been similar to just rejecting everything in the war in heaven in the beginning. Point 2: The LDS church doesn't believe only Mormons will get to the Celestial Kingdom it believes that eveyone who is accepts the Saviour and lives by His laws will qualify for this opportunity. Everyone gets the chance to really make up their mind in this life or the next (ie not everyone has a fair chance to join the church - I pity those whose only contact would be me ! I'd definately argue their case on the other side hehe) That's why we baptise for the dead, if they decide to accept Jesus later on then the commandment is fulfilled - 'Except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he can in no wise inherit the kingdom of God'. Its not arrogant to think that believers of all faiths will have to change some beliefs when they die because clearly we aren't all right.