Count us in on the Mongolian Grill trip. Carmel, we actually turn up to stuff, most of the time.
Craig, my answer is Dunno.
a sometimes too characteristic aspect of our human behavior.
in some ways, it seems like the db environment fosters (even promotes) such "liberty.
why do we (and i include myself) let ourselves devolve to what is imho the lowest common denominator?
i found out recently that both valis and avishai are fellow universal life church people.
maybe we should form a tax-exempt corporation and legally-swindle money from the government like our alma mater (da borg) does?
i found out recently that both valis and avishai are fellow universal life church people.
maybe we should form a tax-exempt corporation and legally-swindle money from the government like our alma mater (da borg) does?
Oh, jwbot, you're older than 12
Now we are 13, who gets to be Judas? With the Monsignor Athanathius and jwbot we now have:
Anathasius - California
Avishai - California
ColdRedRain - Minnesotta
Elsewhere - Texas
FreePeace - Florida
Glenmore (aka Deleted) - Oregon
Gumby - California
jwbot - California
Nathan Natas - (Afghanistan?)
Qwerty - South Yorkshire, England
Robdar - Missouri
Think41Self - Florida
Valis - Texas
And if I'm not mistaken that makes Athanasius (1988) our senior member. I guess it's you and Avi who put on the training session at the Apostafest.
i can't stand it when i hear a person saying how god "protected our house," when their neighbor's house lies in ruins.
i can prove this is pure, unadulterated, bullshit:
our home was left virtually untouched, and the house across the street lost their roof.
It might be the ULC ............
Glad you lucked out. I remember a sister, who lived on the Big Island for a while, saying a bro. from her congo went around saying Jehovah protected his house from a lava flow, going door-to-door. Later the lava flow went right through his house. She said it was embarrassing.
the july 15, 1915 watchower made this comment about the international bible students association (also known as the watch tower society), "if the i.b.s.a.
can be shown to be a section of babylon, we all ought to get out of it....if anyone can tell me how he got into babylon by getting interested in the affairs of the watch tower bible and tract society, let him show me how he will jump out, and i will jump with him".
so i am here this morning with my octopus arms, making the kids breakfast with one hand, getting them dressed with the other, doing their hair with another hand brushing their teeth with another hand, etc.
you get the picture... while my husband sits at the table reading the newspaper.
both kids are complaining of sore throat and have some sort of summer cold, so i asked hime could you please get the medicine and give them some medicine, and what does he do?
the only real definition of apostate i ever had was from being raised a witness.
so, i have this idea that it is an evil, wicked thing.
because of that i dont like to call myself an apostate.
looking through some of the society's earlier wt's, it does seems as though they tend to see apostates as lonely and isolated people.
i can only find one reference to organised apostates in the wt.. so i wonder how they feel about the recent plethora of fests that are taking place?.
it's certainly having a nullifying effect on the enforced isolation that they like to see resulting from disfellowshipping.
Engo, when I was Borg I recall talking to an elder over the WTS' concern that the "apostates were getting organized" - this was about '95. The discussion was over magazines that resembled the WT. The one comic relief was that "the apostates couldn't agree on where and when to meet and what their teachings would be". Now, thinking back, I can only assume that was conjecture. In my part of Oregon we have a fellow named John Warren from Witness Inc. NW who had sent out mailers (with a sticker for householders to put on their doors "No Visits by Jehovah's Witnesses Please"). The funny thing is that in about 6 months they fell off the doors. Later, on leaving, I went to see John, a very nice man, and I told him this. He chuckled and said we'll use stronger glue next time. Glen
i found out recently that both valis and avishai are fellow universal life church people.
maybe we should form a tax-exempt corporation and legally-swindle money from the government like our alma mater (da borg) does?
watchtower bible & tract society of new york.
25 columbia heights, brooklyn, 11201.
revenue: $951 million.