"What a wonderful world"--recognizing that the people outside of the borg are full of love
my boyfriend Jonathan and the life we're creating together
my 3 dogs--Harley, Mookh, and Bindi (even though they need lots of attention and exercise!)
the 2 kids I help take care of--Daniel and Naomi (and their generous parents)
water--the beach, lakes, ponds, streams, pools, hot tubs, baths--anything I can get into!
birds chirping
rainy nights
good food
ice cream
good books
the computer;)
I find it fascinating that I can enjoy my days now--I don't dread going to the meetings, service, etc. I don't fear the world anymore. I love life, and am trying to enjoy each and every day as it comes. I am finally living in the present moment, instead of worrying about whether or not I'm going to "make it". Life is good!
Edited by - beckyboop on 26 June 2002 10:2:28