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Maybe that's why the prodigal son came to his senses.
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maybe that's why the prodigal son came to his senses.. belbab
Go to: http://www.truehope.com
Click on new News item from Report Magazine
Maybe that's why the prodigal son came to his senses.
i have added the letters from friends and family in behalf of manuel beliz to the court.
the button is on the front page of the website.
it is odd that the letter seem to follow a similar pattern to the testimony in the paul berry sentencing hearing.
Where exactly are these letters? I clicked on every button I could find on Silentlambs site and could not find them. Exactly which button, please?
while the watchtower has suffered from a number of.
declines in various areas, there is no greater decay.
manifest than in its current publications.. as a teenager growing up, the 'truth' was, to me, a system of.
Have you listened to Ciro's talk on Freeminds. He stumbled over the date 1914 at one point. I believe he says that Satan and his demons were cast out of heaven in 1914, then caught himself, was unsure, and then covered it over. I forget, wasn't Satan et al thrown out in 1919, or who gives a shit?
All the threads are coming apart in this woven tapestry of illusion.
Chaos, chaos, I love it.
okay.. a jw actually did the "apostates" a favor.
click on the link below for the theocratic ministry school book 2002- online.... anyone want to set a pool on how long that link stays with out threat of lawsuit?.
, http://www.purelanguage.net/forums/showthread.php?s=a31587d493c122fd5ccba13ff1567ac6&threadid=260.
I just clicked on to the site and it came up. Then as I started reading it it disappeared. I can no longer bring it up. Does anyone else have the same experience. I hope those who copied it can post it, if it has been removed.
why don't any of the elders have plans for when it happens--kind of like a re-grouping thing?.
ginny's post got me thinking.. why don't any of 'jehovah's people' know what to do during and after armeggedon if it's so important that they survive?!?!?.
where is the secret book "surviving armegeddon?".
In the Isaiah books recently published and in the March 15 Wt. last year, It quoted the text from Isaiah, where it says, enter into your interior rooms until the denunciation has past. They also showed a picture of a family, husband leading of course, of a family climbing the stairs up to their interior rooms.
The explanation for our day was that no doubt going into the interiour rooms meant taking refuge in the local congregations and kingdom halls.
Now when the World trade towers were hit, what was reported as the first reaction at Brooklyn. they pulled the curtains shut, and locked the doors, and then, I believe, they assembled in the dining halls. Later, they made a big effort to cover their immediate reaction, by saying how much help they offered people, how they opened up their doors to the fleeing public refugees.
I believe, that they thought the Big A was here, and followed their preconceived reaction to it. Later they tried to cover it up. It is something like back in 19i4 where brothers dressed in white robes and were waiting to be caught away while standing on the Brooklyn bridge.
i thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
Woke up from JW sleep, 1967 age 36
Dunked 1954 age 23
converted and diverted
Are there any other old timers here, any golden oldies?
my son is fifteen years old.
he is a portrait of conflict.
he has a lot of weird, definition-avoidant neurological problems (adhd, ocd, latent tourettes syndrome.... "those" kinds of things.
dear lauralisa and son,
Your poem has reached as far as me, the poem says:
I want help but there is none that I can reach.
I know that you yourself, with the posting your sons poem, are endeavouring to reach out for him, a cry for someone out there to see and understand and empathize. Perhaps you and your son feel there is no help you can reach. Perhaps some of us here can reach out to you, perhaps our arms may reach out and close the gap together.
I am reaching out to you and to your son with this post, they are only a few words, but may they be like fingers that reach across the dark emptiness and give you both a tingle of encouragement.
Please keep us informed, either on this board or through e-mail.
your friend, belbab
how many of you agree with amazing that ray franz "handed you the key" and that "his writings became the gate to ...liberty?".
I woke up in winter of 1967/68. Disfellowshipped in 1973. After circuit servants set up a sting searching for information, by getting one of my friends to invite spies to supper.
At the door after the evening was over, I asked the couple what if anything did I say wrong that evening. The man said, nothing, butif I ever hear you talking like that to anyone else, I will report you.
There was no place in the Org. for me, I was marked, from head to tail. I moved back to my native place in Western Canada. I letter from the district servant, Laurier Saumur, was forwarded to the elders, and gave the false testimony of the one sent to eat with me.
This was long before, Ray Franz, left. I have met Ray, and spent some time with him in Atlanta, at his place of residence. I enjoyed immensely his books, they validated my own thoughts that I had already discovered.
Reply to One,
A very interesting site at the url you posted. I find that by scrolling down, there is a topic on religious organizations, and JWs show up at this site:
the pain inside me is often very strong .
because there is much, thats so very wrong .
the hurt comes from the those that claim they love.
Hi Tori,
You posted: You don't like me very much do you?
I am uncertain, whether the above comment is for me or someone else. If the question is for me, then, No, I don't just like you, rather, I have a very deep affection for you, as well as for every other person who has endured within the WT organization.