Topics Started by Bendrr
The Friday Night Joke
by Bendrr inafter the resounding applause from last week's post, i decided to add some theatrics and blatantly rip off the john boy & billy big show.. and now without further adieu..... welcome to the playhouse!.
tonight's episode: the fish story.
mike as himself.
More on JW "Confidential Files"
by Bendrr ini had a conversation last night with an old friend (not a jw) and brought up the subject of my file.. we discussed how to obtain the file.
needless to say, over a few beers it got very interesting with drawings and maps.. when he left i phoned another old friend in the town in question and told him briefly about the discussion.. he said to hold off on any "operation" because he knew someone i could talk to.
since he was on a cell phone, he didn't want to talk much.
On "The New System"
by Bendrr in"you can live forever in a paradise on earth".
in my years as a witness and even after, i've thought about "the new system" and everything i was taught.. during the thousand years, there would be millions coming back from the dead.
during that time we'd all learn one single language and reach perfect physical health.
To DannyBear on cooking
by Bendrr inhey danny i just wanted to mention not to use more than about 2 tablespoons of chivas for a big dish like a roast or brisket and for steaks, keep it to 1 teaspoon per steak.. right now, i'm learning how to cook beef brisket.
cooking one tonight i've been marinading since friday night.
i've been told you can marinade one in beer but haven't tried it yet.. mike.. expect nothing and you will never be disappointed,
The Friday Night Joke
by Bendrr ini thought i'd share a personal story with y'all tonight about when i was in the persian gulf war.. my squad was on a chopper a few clicks south of hanoi.
(did i mention there was alcohol involved?).
chopper got shot down and i was the only survivor of the crash.
Humor for Bigboi
by Bendrr inand now, "deep thoughts" by bendrr.. ......... if a white native of south africa immigraged to the united states would he be an african american?.
......... if i don't ask these questions, someone else already has and actually gotten paid for doing so.
when i said i wanted to be a comedian, everyone laughed.
Strange Phone Call
by Bendrr ini had a message to call my mom this afternoon when i got home.
her voice concerned, she said "michael, please call us as soon as you can, we heard you may have been hurt".
i called back to find out what was going on.
JW's and the "Half" Factor
by Bendrr inwhen i was about 12, a friend of mine and i were walking home.
he told me about the "half factor"-something his strange mind had concocted.. starting at whatever distance from your destination-lets say a mile-walk half the journey, take a break, then walk half the remaining distance, take a break, then half the remaning distance again.. even when you are yards, then feet, then inches from the finish line you never get there.. kind of like the history of the empire in a way.
they get closer and closer and closer but never there.
Favorite/Least Favorite Elders
by Bendrr inready for a round for the elders?
who was your favorite and most loved shepherd of the flock?
who was your most notorious member of the theocratic police?.
Access to files?
by Bendrr inhi everyone, i am new to this board so everyone flame me and send viruses to welcome me (or you can send money to the bendrr goes to the bahamas fund).. i have a question that may have come up before but i have been off the internet for a while and have not been to this site before at all.
my question is regarding one's file with the cong after dissfellowshipping.
is more information gathered after the df and added to the file?