JoinedTopics Started by slimboyfat
White Teeth (Zadie Smith) - Novel Featuring a Jehovah's Witness?
by slimboyfat inhave i missed something?
does everyone already know that this popular novel includes a depiction of a witness?
Branch Split in the Watchtower Kingdom
by slimboyfat inbefore you read anything, you should be aware that i do not know what i am talking about.
it seems clear now that the watchtower religion has already started to decline, in the western world at least.
how will this decline play out in the future - this is one of the most interesting questions relating to the watchtower at the moment: will the witnesses enjoy a slow leisurely decline over many decades, or can we expect a major split and disintegration in the near future?
Has Anyone Got Any Proof That The Society Monitors Apostate Web Sites?
by slimboyfat ini am extremely skeptical about this, yet people on this forum seem to talk about it as though it were a fact.
so has anyone got any actual concrete proof?
here are the reasons why i don't think they do:.
I was a victim of a Baptism Fascist! (were you?)
by slimboyfat inwhen i was baptised it was in the kingdom hall pool; i was only a teenager.
i was baptised by an old elder from a nearby congregation, but next to the pool stood the baptism fascist .
people in the congregation said my baptism was not valid because of my little toe.
Watchtower Magazine to be Published Monthly
by slimboyfat in.
i heard from my bethel contact that the magazines are to be published monthly from 2006 and 2007. only 12 mags a year, but 46 pages each with no colour illustrations.has anyone else heard about this cut back?
i also heard there is to be a new song book in the summer so that witnesses no longer sing about "sheep and goats" and other "old light".
"to disfellowship" and is conjugations
by slimboyfat inwhat is the noun that we should properly use for the process by which a person becomes disfellowshiped?.
i have tried to find out about this because, in reading andrew holden's book about jehovah's witnesses i came across some jarring phrases, such as "john was fornicator well before his disfellowship, and continued so thereafter".
i have never heard a jehovah's witness use "disfellowship" as a noun thus, and i suspect that the witnesses andrew holden spoke with did not speak so either.
Does anyone know what an S-8 is? (hands up)
by slimboyfat incan you remember that far back?
have you got any kicking around?
did you call them s-8s in america too?
Biography of J. F. Rutherford
by slimboyfat ini read here a while back that someone was working on a biography of rutherford that could be quite revealing, especially as regards his relations with members of the opposite sex (including his wife).
is there any more news on that?
who was it working on that again?
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....