Scully--I love this phrase:
Worldly furniture
breaking in my new scanner here.
this is another image that captured my eye, an august 2004 wt.
the caption reads: "some have eliminated certain hobbies and nonessential personal projects" can you come up with a better one?
Scully--I love this phrase:
Worldly furniture
just had a buddy up to the ranch.this is his story:.....a friend of mine saw his dog with a dead animal in his mouth covered in was a dead bunny..not any dead bunny..this was the nieghbours family pet friend was shocked and didn`t know what to do.he knew the nieghbours would get very upset that his dog had killed their pet bunny..the nieghbours weren`t home right now,so he came up with a plan..he cleaned the dirt off of the dead bunny and put it back in it`s pen and hurried home..a little while later,the nieghbours came home..a few days later my friend and his nieghbour had a chat..the nieghbour was angry and upset..the nieghbour said:"last week our family pet bunny died.the kids were upset and me and the mrs thought we`d have a funeral for the bunny with the kids and give it a nice burial..well,a few days ago,some sick bastard dug the bunny out of the grave and put it in it`s pen."!
I did giggle--so I guess it's funny! But, if it happened to me, I would be worried that there was a weirdo in my neighborhood!
i was in the borg for 20 of my adult years and i must say that in all that time i only knew of one sister who got pregnant before she was married.
she was given a public reproof and was never treated badly.. considering a lot of the teenagers did most things they shouldnt have and many did get reproved for immorality, i am surprised that many didnt get pregnant.
especially as they would of likely not have been taking contraception.. was this common in you kh or area?.
I know of several teenage pregnancies over the years--seems they were always very young--15! I also recall two single adult sisters who became pregnant.
one year clean from meth/ice!!
i wanted all of you to know what a role you have played in my life.
i can't even start to tell you what it means to me!!
does anyone know if after divorcing a spouse for reasons other than adultery, although adultery may be suspected, if i would be free to marry a witness if my ex spouse was in a relationship or remarried someone else after the divorce..ive heard different versions and am not sure
surely if his ex wife was dead he was scripturally free to marry anyway
Ya think?
this evening i went for a walk near the mouth of the bega river, several kilometres from my place.
i enjoyed the peace and took a few photos.. for several years the pelicans here were my concern (keeping an eye on them and occationally capturing them to remove fish hooks and the like.
while there a duck billed mud stinky arrived.
I was filling my feeders a couple days ago and a bird tried to land on my shoulder! It was either a chicadee or a nuthatch!
i've taken a part-time job working nights and weekends.
i'm doing this to save up to start grad school next fall.
my new job is in a new shopping center.
That was excellent!
at the meetings, i didn't make many comments so i'll call myself:.
brother mute.
give yourself a jw nickname.
Sister BadAttitude
i was just wondering, how many dfed to we have on here compared to da or faders??
i've been thinking of this a lot lately.
the following experience ties my first doubt in with my present life.
as a backdrop to this, you should know that i was a 5th generation "raised in the truth" jw through my mother (her great-grandfather got "the truth" from pastor russell).
It all started with a little article in the newspaper about Bill Bowen. I started reading the Silentlambs website and was so shocked to find out how the WTS does not protect children.
Then the WT article about blood fractions really confused me............................
Then I found this forum and realized I am not alone!