I don't remember turning on anyone. I just woke up one day and found out I was an apostate. 7 million JWs can't be wrong... can they?
That's what my ex-wife said when I told her TTATT.
the good news is:.
- studying the watchtower over breakfast.
- putting on a suit and tie.
I don't remember turning on anyone. I just woke up one day and found out I was an apostate. 7 million JWs can't be wrong... can they?
That's what my ex-wife said when I told her TTATT.
had a coversation with a very close friend (of 15 years) and understands how i feel about the wt org.
he himself is a serious doubter.
i on the other hand am not a doubter, i know with every living ounce of myself that this is a cult!
Your best bet is to not engage him in any conversation about the lie.
He may do a 180 on you one day and rat you out thinking he is saving you from da debbil.
As for your wife, it's best to live and let live. I wouldn't bring up anything about the lie until she does.
I give it 5 years and she will be be doubting to the point she will ask you to tell her what you know about the cult.
All those blue JW.ORG placards pasted on the brick marquee beside "Kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses" at every kingdom hall with 15 miles of me (4) has every nonJW asking me WTF?
It won;t be long before JW's start waking up and asking themselves what's the difference between a cross on a church and JW.ORG on the kingdom hall marquee.
i'm into the 7th year of a successful fade.
when i'm at the market i still see some of my former "friends" trying to avoid eye contact.
although i'm not df'd i may as well be in their eyes.
I agree wholeheartedly with DesirousOfChange.
His idea leaves no loose ends hanging to catch on something unpleasant.
it looks as if the gb are blundering around and really showing themselves up for the buffoons they are.
all the stupidity about tight trousers is laughable and if the general public were to see these selfmportant cult leaders blabbing this stuff then the last shred of their credibility would be destroyed.........perhaps.. the wbt$ seem to have dug themselves into a deep pit of no escape with their lies, new light(tm), paedophile protection and all the other nauseating peripherals they have.. we also suspect that the wbt$ have their spies here because they are either predictable or get ideas form forums like this.. so!
are you listening watchtower(r)?
1. Direct Jehovah's Witnesses attention to Jesus instead of to yourselves.
2. Admit IN PRINT that you have been speculating, guessing and surmising about the end of this system for over 100 years.
3. Stop disfellowshiping people for disagreeing with your asinine doctrines.
4. Most importantly, get down on your knees and ask God to forgive your sins.
can't these people see the $$$ dollar signs that are being made here for the last 100 years??
Most of them have so much time and $$$$ invested in the Watchtower that they are afraid to leave.
Also, the Watchtower has reviled all other denominations to the point that JW's beleiev they have nowhere to go for spiritual food except at a kingdom hall.
i have noticed with "apostates/exjws" they always resort to "watchtower-bashing" whenever you show them inconsistencies of the bible.
we could be talking about contradictions, such as where did cain get his wife if adam,eve, abel, and cain were the only ones on earth?
the usual answer when they cannot answer will be "well the wt gave false prophecies in 1975".
Okay, fess up.
Who peed in Booker's bowl of Cheerios?
george smith pulls into the kingdom hall parking lot one sunday morning.
he is excited because today, for the first time, he will handle the mikes.
some days the visiting speaker asks questions of the audience.
Brother Smith will not be handling mike duties this morning.
He will not be handling mike duties or have any other 'privileges' for at least 6 months after he removes that pagan name from his personal company vehicle.
Only spiritually qualified, exemplary brothers can be a mike mule and Brother Smith demonstrates that he is still too immature so let's get that 12 year old who was baptized at this summer's Regional Convention to handle the mike this morning.
im curious, how many people on here had belonged to another church, or have enough knowlege of one.
to have thought the kingdom hall was a better option?
the wt articles often in the past, critisized other churches as being full of false christains, i have one from 1955 that rips on the roman catholic church.. not that they are free of guilt, but, i thought, gee, how many of these critisizers ever went to a small church to make that judgment?.
I have.
AFTER I left the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Before that, I only knew about churches and church people from what I read in the cult's books and magazines.
The Watchtower lied.
im new here, and dont know much about jw, other than what im reading.
i have my best friend who is having bible study in her home with 2 witnesses, and she is soaking it in.
she is very defensive and is getting more and more closed off.
It will not be long before your friend quits having any contact with you.
Her 'Bible' Study teacher will show her 1 Corinthians 15:33 in the Jeghovah's Witness book they mistakenly call a bible.
Which says that "Bad company corrupts good morals" in most English language bibles.
You are considered BAD COMPANY by Jehovah's Witnesses because they believe that everyone who is not a JW is bad company and has no moral compass even though the direct opposite is true, Jehovah's Witnesses have no moral compasses because they allow 7 wicked men in New York to dictate their so-called morality.
If you attempt to show her any information that is critical of Jehovah's Witnesses she will reject it and believe it comes from an apostate (You).
The best thing you can do is show her scriptures such as Luke 7:48-50, 1 John 5:12-13 and John 10:27-28 and ask her if she believes what Jesus said is true.
usually by this time in the year we are getting km's through telling jw's what to wear, where to eat, where to sleep, how much to tip (and not to take all the breakfast food to the assembly as your packed lunch) and how to get to their summer conventions - nothing coming through here in good old england - how about where you are?.
It used to be 15%.