Topics Started by Pwned
POLL - How many elders/MS/microphone passers/literature slingers/sound guys
by Pwned in.
i've noticed there are a lot of jw's in good standing on here these days... i know its a small sample but it seems promising.. any current circuit overseers/district overseers post on here, that would be crazy.
i think its pretty cool actually
spanish congregations vs english
by Pwned in(i dont mean the countries - grammar nazis, please dont flame).
i dont know how many of you attended a spanish speaking hall like i did but in my experience and from reading people's posts i think that there are some pretty big differences.
1. spanish congs are more liberal .
If the WTBTS knew then what it knows now...
by Pwned inwould the internet have been banned ouright from the beginning?
it seems like they have been trying to reign in control of jw's use of the internet for the last few years but pandora's box has already been opened.
if they had just banned it from the beginning many dubs would have been afraid that if they went on the ineternet they would immediately be possesed by demons.
WHY do they stay?!?!
by Pwned ini just dont get how people can stay in a religion that constantly changes the "truth".
never mind the scandals, that is a seperate issue.
but the foundation of a religion is its doctrine, how can you believe an organiztion that constantly changes it.
A 1914 generation question
by Pwned ini was around in 1995, barely, but i dont remember any talks or articles where the new light about the generation of 1914. did they change w/o coming right out and saying so,or was there a talk.
especially in regards to the mission statement or whatever in the awake, did they make an announcement or did they just hope no one would notice?
i just cant believe that there wasnt a mass exodus after that, my family never mentioned the change to me, i didnt even know til years later on this site.
Are JW's becoming more mainstream or more reclusive?
by Pwned ini really dont know but i have read both opinions on this forum.
many in my fam are in but we never talk about their religion, except when they invite me to some meeting, or the memorial, assembly etc.
What does it take to be an MS these days?
by Pwned inhaving a pulse and not missing meetings?
my grandfather is an ms and i know for a fact that he is not the picture perfect jw.
he doesnt do anything wrong but he is no bastion of spirituality either.
Are you afraid to watch The Exorcist?
by Pwned infor the longest time i was afraid to see it, and when i did i have to admit i felt 'weird', anyone else feel this way.