Oh please tell me it isn't true! That is just sick! Guess I have just not been unfortunate enough to have to see it! Bleecchh! So much for "remaining separate"
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Is This Old News?
by Alexis_Hart ini don't know if someone has already posted on this at a previous time and i just didn't see it then, but i saw something for the first time on tv today that totally blew me away.. it happened while i was watching a local television channel's normal afternoon of syndicated shows, during the commercial break.
i'm sure a lot of you have seen the commercials from the mormons and the church of jesus christ of latter day saints.
they're always promoting family and love and togetherness.
Birthday List
by nicolaou inc'mon guys, we can celebrate our birthdays!!!.
post your birthdate here and let us know how you want to get your 'birthday card' (email, post on the board, text message, soaped-up kyliegram!).
my birthday is october 16th and i'd be happy to receive any of the above.. .
February 4th
Did you throw your meeting clothes out?
by sleepy injust been clearing some space in my house and deciding what to get rid of.i have a whole rack of "meeting clothes" shirts , suits ties etc that i have never worn since i left.i kept a few shirts and a couple of suits just in case i need them sometime.what a load of money those clothes most have cost me.one extra good reason for leaving, and think of all those dry cleaning bills you'll miss as well.bad luck if you work in an office.
Didn't have to. We had a house fire and it took care of all of those ugly old floral thingies for me.
Always Comparing us to Others
by JH inthe bible says that we shouldn't compare ourselves with other people either physically or spiritually.
some would produce 5 to 1, and others 2 to 1. .
but why is it that the elders always tried to compare us to other witnesses?
Exactly Nina - that always irritated the hell out of me as well.
One of my (many, many)issues with them was that speakers would spout how "encouraging" the meetings are and how we are passing up great spiritual food and encouragement when we missed meetings, yet every meeting was more of the same - "You are not good enough, you don't measure up, if you went out 10 hours, why not 20, if 20 why not 30? If you can answer once, why not twice? If so and so can make it to the meetings hobbling on stumps for legs because a crocodile ate their legs the last time they crossed the swamp, carrying their book bags between their teeth and underline their watchtowers with a pen in their mouth because gangrene caused them to have their hands amputated after the shark attack, why would you stay home from a meeting when you have a fever of 106 and are coughing up a lung? Made me want to jump up and quote Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live " I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggonit people like me!" every time I heard their brand of "encouragement." No wonder depression was so rampant! Life has enough challenges without having to listen to someone tell you for 5 hours a week what a worthless piece of crap worthy of death you are because you don't "do enough, place enough, answer enough, put forth enough effort in recruiting" etc.
Edited by - caligirl on 8 January 2003 15:11:11
hi to all who remember me!!!
by uncle_onion init has been a long long time since i dropped by here!
a lot has happened since i last visited here.
my wife and i left the dubs and we were left alone despite me having a very "apostate" web site !
Uncle Onion!
It has been a long time! Congratulations on finding happiness! Happiness is a wonderful thing isn't it?
You will have email shortly!
How do I tell my family I'm no longer a JW?
by YellowLab inthis subject has bothered me for 5 years now.. eventually the day will come where i'll need to tell my folks i'm no longer a jw.
my oldest son (who is 3) is getting to the age where he talks about everything from birthday cakes to christmas trees.
we were able to get away with birthdays and holidays so far, but now is becoming increasingly difficult to stop him from talking about them when the family's around.. should i write a letter?
I never outright told my parents anything regarding my position. I think they know, since they once stopped by my house and I forgot that I had a few decorations out, and have had it confirmed since my son is also vocal about his birthday or christmas gifts. They never say anything to me about it, and have never berated my son for saying anything about it or tried to tell him that it is wrong. I do wish I could have been a fly on the wall when my son told them at dinner when he was visiting them one evening that he had "seen Santa and he's real!" That little tidbit came courtesy of my brother, who was there. I decided a long time ago that it is my decision to raise my child as I see fit and that I would not try to prevent my son from talking about things that are important to him.
It has been a long time since you went to meetings, your parents probably already at least suspect. Unless you feel a burning need to test the waters, I would say just let it go and live your life. If they are curious because of something your son says, they will ask or maybe you will be lucky like I am and they will just play the don't ask, don't tell game and you can live in peace without the confrontation.
by Jesika ini just got off the phone with my x-hubby.
his mother is sueing us for visitation of our son!!!!!!!!!
let me explain why we don't let her see him......................................
I am so sorry you are going through this. Please feel free to email me - I see that my husband already offered the same. We have been through the wringer with his ex this past year regarding the whole visitation issue and understand the emotions involved.
The fact that you and your ex made the decision jointly goes a long way in demonstrating that your son's welfare comes first to both of you, and the fact that your ex feels that way about his son having contact with his mother speaks volumes. Love for a grandchild is not shown by trying to undermine the parent-child relationship. Not to say that she does not love her grandson to whatever extent she is capable, but it sounds like you and your ex tried to find a workable solution before finally saying that you would not allow contact. It is a parents right to decide who their child associates with, and obviously you and your ex feel that she is detrimental to your son. Your past is not really relevant in whether or not she should be allowed visitation, but her past behavior is certainly relevant and is the root cause of cutting off contact in the first place.
Edited by - caligirl on 7 January 2003 21:0:33
Nearly died/motivational quotes needed
by Mimilly inon january 1st, after a week of no sleep, working through xmas and its stress and months of marital super-stress i walked into my room and gave up.
i told god that if he wanted to step in, to do so now, as otherwise im going.
i sat down and swallowed a brand new prescription of valium 10mg as well as clonadine, also a new prescription.
Mimilly - So glad that you are ok and still here with us! Below is a great site for motivational quotes.
Is my friend wrong?
by Country Girl inmy best friend is well acquainted with jw's.
she has known me since both of our kids were in our bellies.
she was 18, i was 25. our kids were born and raised up together as brother and sister.
You can't change your friend - she will do what she likes, and is entitled to do so. But you can do something to protect her daughter, since she will not do that herself. Who knows what this guy is capable of, and it is not worth this little girls life to wait to find out. Your friend may be mad, but you will know you have done the right thing in protecting her daughter. Discipline problem or not, this girl does not deserve any form of abuse.
Whats the dumbest reason youve been counseled?
by avishai inmy friend was counseled for having a bad attitude because he wore white socks w/ his suit.
Wearing long dangly earings