I'm a lefty also.
I write and eat left-handed.
I bat and use a can-opener, scissors, and mouse with my right. Also, pick up heavy things with my right.
I learned to read at 3 and have always been a good speller. My writing is very legible. I was in the gifted program as a child and skipped a grade. Now I think I'm of average ability.
I did have much difficulty remembering left from right as a child. I get confused when looking at a map. Not very good with spatial relations such as blueprints. I almost didn't pass an Astronomy class in college because I couldn't figure out where one thing was in relation to another.
I have been a royal pain in college classes because I insisted they provide me with a left-handed desk if there were no tables. Why shouldn't I be comfortable when I write? Other than that, no particular inconvenience to be a lefty.
Oh, I always insist on sitting on the far left at the dinner table so my hand doesn't bump anyone else's while eating.
Hope this helps!
Posts by evita
Any Lefties?
by Why Georgia inmy oldest son is left handed.
everytime he does anything different from the rest of us.....my husband relates this to being left handed.. he is very artistic, detailed, and extremely particular about how he wants things in his little world to be.. this may be because he's 5 - who knows.. are there any traits of left handed people that you lefties may want to share so i can be prepared in the future?.
thanks in advance,.
Is it just me, or do j-dubs have "crazy eyes"?
by Check_Your_Premises inhave you ever noticed someone who has a 1000 yard (meters for you english types.
well i keep noticing that dub women in particular have this creepy 1000 yard stare.
and then a while after my wife got dunked she and the kids got in one of those picture booths.
I agree with flyinghigh. The dubs I have recently been in contact with ( especially lifers) do have that doll like, sad expression. Very hard to maintain eye contact and I think I had that look for a long time also.
LOL at comment re: the runaway bride. When I first saw her picture, I said to my husband, "She's CRAZY!
Eva -
Whats the deal with fading.
by mtbatoon ini'm not trolling here or trying to upset, i'm not attacking anyone personally or trying to force my opinion on others but having read a lot of people experiences on leaving the org i really can not understand the point of fading.
i understand that people risk losing contact with family members and friends but really what type of friend and how good a family member are they if they are willing to shun you for not holding the same beliefs?.
a bit of background might be in order here.
I did the fade over 20 years ago. Just didn't want to do it anymore. When I hit the anger stage of my loss, I toyed with the idea of writing a DA letter just to be completely done with it. But my mother was still a loyal dub and I knew she would be devastated so I just kept fading.
Unfortunately, my mom still shunned me for many years even tho I wasn't DA or DF. She died last year after a short illness. She had in-home hospice and was surrounded by witnesses. Because I wasn't formally ousted, I was able to see her without too much trouble. For this reason only, I am glad I did not DA myself.
I hated playing by their rules, but it seems like we can't avoid it until we have no more ties to the org. Now I don't care what happens to me as far as they are concerned. Bring it on or let me be.
Sometimes I hope they come after me, I still have revenge fantasies even after all these years.
Eva -
Does anybody else feel this way?
by boy@crossroads ina little background........ been fading for more than a year now.
i think i have done a good job of transitioning out of the borg.
i am now comfortable with many of the taboos i was raised to fear.
I think it takes a lot of time to regain our spontaneity after leaving the witness world where everything is analyzed and scrutinized. Keep doing what you're doing and one day you will realize that you are having fun and being yourself without even thinking about it. And the feeling that Jehovah is watching you fades also. It also helps to focus on others, try to maintain eye contact with them and really listen with your heart. Hopefully they will do the same which will help to normalize your relationships.
Eva -
While a JW, Did You Ever Let On That You Were "Going Apostate"?
by minimus ini never did, although i did tell my former bible student/tennis partner that the bible does not condemn celebrating birthdays or recommend celebrating anniverseries.
he told his jw brother who told his elders who told my po.
when the po asked me about the conversation, i told him he asked me some questions and i truthfully answered., i said, "nothing i said was wrong or incorrect".
I was working as a supervisor in a department store. It was the holiday season and I was stuck behind the sales counter with a long line. Ex-dub is in my line and she recognized me from somewhere but I barely knew her. She started in on me about leaving the trooth and why did I leave. I tried to be polite and said it just wasn't for me anymore. Well she kept on in a really aggressive way about how wrong I was to leave blah blah blah. Finally, I'd had it. I said, "I don't believe it is god's organization, I don't believe it's the truth." She looked at me in horror and said "you sound like an APOSTATE!"
After she left, I ran into the back room and practically passed out with fear. I had really exposed myself in public so to speak.
E. -
What's Your Favorite JW Expressions?
by minimus ini like "theocratic strategy", "new light", "the slave", and "lovers of truth"......anything that you find amusing?
falling out of the truth
weak in the truth
spiritually strong
spiritually weak
jehovah's blessings
sitting on the fence
faithful and discreet slave
sheeplike ones
bad association -
My relationship has come to an end because of JW brainwashing
by MM090503 ina few of you may remember when i came to this site back in sept. i was seeking advice about my bf who had been studying with jw.
well i hate to say it but they won.
after being together almost 2yrs we broke up.
So sorry to hear your news. Breaking up with someone you care about is painful enough without the added frustration of JW stuff. You are wise to not go along with him into the cult. I hope the future holds a better relationship for you.
Eva -
If The Elders Wanted To Disfellowship YOU, What Action Would YOU Take?
by minimus inwould you go?
would you hire a lawyer?
play cat & mouse games?
I avoided getting DF for over 20 years ( came close many times) so that my mother could continue to speak to me. Even so, she chose to shun me off and on. Now she is dead and I don't care what they do.
Eva -
Name Some Trivial Things That Are Big Deals To JWs
by minimus inso many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
Having lunch with the CO. Big deal. All those people fawning over him and his wife trying to get a little attention from the big spiritual man. Although I liked going out in service with them as they always stopped for a LONG coffee break.
Having Bethelites visit the cong. They were like celebrities!
Teen get-togethers - not allowed in my congregation. I was astounded when I met my husband and he was involved in a Catholic youth group who did fun things all the time. I felt so cheated!
Commenting at the meetings. Why was it considered such a big deal? I remember practically passing out with nerves before I answered.
E. -
a new haircut
summer fruits and veggies
lunch with my girlfriends
my three cute boys
my niece graduating from H.S.
eating dinner outside in the backyard