I don't know of any other Bible version that refers to the Baby Jesus as an "IT". The NWT does this, which I find offensive.
Also, the NWT has butchered the beautiful 23rd Psalm.
the new world translation (nwt) is published by the watchtower bible and tract society.
this is the organization that jehovahs witnesses belong to.
I don't know of any other Bible version that refers to the Baby Jesus as an "IT". The NWT does this, which I find offensive.
Also, the NWT has butchered the beautiful 23rd Psalm.
i always sing the beatles' "good night" to get my baby asleep.
works everytime.
what did you sing to your kids?
Used to sing the Irish Lullaby (toora loora loora), and now my daughter sings it to her children.
Over in Killarney, many years ago,
Me mother sang a song to me, in tones so sweet and low.
Just a simple little ditty in her good old Irish way,
And I'd give the world if she could sing that song to me this day.
Toora loora loora, toora loora lal,
Toora loora loora, hush now don't you cry.
Toora loora loora, toora loora lal,
Toora loora loora, that's an Irish lullaby.
i was just wondering.
has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from wts & forming some sort of reformed jw church that isn't so controlling.
like lurther & the catholic church.
Dear fb130,
You sure sound like my son......who is currently being endoctrinated (brainwashed) by the WTS. They're teaching him that ALL OTHER churches (Christedom as they call them), are wrong and of the devil......and ONLY the WTS has the truth. What a lie! Why would God choose a group who has had so many false prophesies, flip-flop teachings, un-Christian doctrines, etc.???
When you're part of a group who claims to be the ONLY TRUE church of God on this planet.....this ALONE should send up a RED FLAG in your mind.
When you're part of a group that dictates what you read....what you say....how you dress....how to interupt scripture....who you associate with....etc. etc., that should send up a RED FLAG as well.
When you're part of a group that tells you you can no longer celebrate ANY Holidays with your non-JW family and friends.....this should send up yet ANOTHER RED FLAG.
Please don't be duped by the WTS! Most Jehovah's Witnesses are wonderful, sincere people.....but they are DECEIVED. The Governing Body in Brooklyn are the DECEIVERS! Please don't let them deceive YOU, too.
All the best,
i'm still trying 2 figure out if this is a pro or anti jw forum but here goes..
i started studying jw 6 months ago & i do feel i'm growing.
i think at the rate things are going i'll b babtised in another 6 months.
Ask your Bible study teacher: Has there been ANYTHING in the WTS 's 120-year history that was prophesied that CAME TRUE? The answer is NO. Every single prophesy of their's failed. Why? Simple.....the reason is they are FALSE PROPHETS.
If your teacher tells you, "well, at least we are willing to admit our mistakes". Ask him: Since when does simply admitting your mistakes make you LESS of a false prophet??
False prophets in Biblical times were taken outside the city and stoned to death. That's how serious a crime it was back then.
I sincerely hope you realize what the WTS really is........
All the best to you,
i have a theory on why people become jw's.
there are 3 different reasons:.
1: you were born into a family of jw's.
Yes, yknot is right.....that's how my son got caught in the Watchtower web of deceit!
epitaphe, from l. epitaphium "funeral oration, eulogy," from gk.
epitaphion, neut.
of epitaphos "of a funeral," from epi- "at, over" + taphos "tomb, funeral rites.
"It's always something"
does anyone ever wonder how their seemingly intelligent family members can be so totally taken in by this religion?
i look at my parents and just wonder how in the world do you fall for this jw crap?
neither of my parents are college educated but by no means are they stupid and have good judgement and sense when it comes to a lot of things, but not this religion.
Hi Fern!
Yes! I've wondered MANY TIMES how my son could be duped by this cult. He is the smartest of all our children, and he is the LAST one I would have thought could be duped. But, then I realized it's not about the intelligence of the person....but their vulerability. They don't choose the cult......the cult chooses them.
I hope your parents can escape the WTS's clutches someday. All the best to you!
so the next step i realized after meeting with the elders monday night was to say some "goodbyes" while i'm still able to.
now, the elders kept "wanting" me to "fade" .
.. again, many people are telling me that they might be nice, but when they report back to the whole body, they could decide something else.
I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your good friend, New Light. You spoke volumns to her with the love you showed. "The greatest is love".
Sure sign of a cult; when you leave the group....and everyone in that group is prevented from associating with you! That's beyond sad!
i finally got it!
i'm finally free!
i'm so happy to be leaving this cold, love less, money making, manipulative sect.
A big WELCOME to you, Newborn! Looking forward to hearing your "exit" story!
does anyone know of any wts book(s) or magazines that state that only jehovah's witnesses will be spared by jehovah god at armageddon.....and everyone else (6 billion people) will be destroyed?
i'm having a dialog with a family member and this topic came up.. lavendar .
Thank you, Carla!