Purpose is both defined by individuals and by collective groups and also divided between coming from within but subtley as well as manifestly influenced by the culture we are born into and the history of our family, reference group and cosmology current in our time in history. We ultimately decide what our "purpose" is based on proactive choice or by default depending upon our personality type. Most people identify with their parents religion and as such adopt by default their purpose as defined by that particular religion or sect thereof. The most refreshing people I've associated with have left their religious inheritance and either adopted a new paradigm by choice or have remained without religion. Generally they are more tolerant of others and less likely to be closed minded about many issues, not just doctrin. carmel
Posts by Carmel
The meaning of life (or the 3 stages of life)
by darth frosty incouldn't decide which i liked better, here they are.
ok here is the key and real meaning of life...listen up i'm only going to say this once.
there are 3 stages to human existance.
by Xena inour settlement visas came thru and we have booked our flights for july 16th so it's official that we are moving to scotland.
i've already got a few boxes of confort goods (stuffed animals, photo albums and dvd's) packed and are now fixing to tear each room apart and sort it by what i want to take, store or sell.
it's a bit daunting.
Good on the both of you! Being half Scotch, I've always wanted to visit to see what it was like...but alas, not this year.. We're selling out and moving also but only across town to one of our rentals. Downsizing is fun huh? We've only been here for six years but it seems we have decades of junk collected. Good chance to get rid of a lot a crap!! Have a great move and wonderful future you two!!! carmel
by choosing life ini was talking to a friend who believes that everyone will acieve eternal life eventually.
she used some scriptures that make sense to me.. 1 cor.
15:22 -for as in adam all die, so also in christ, all will be made alive.. rom.8 :38,39- basically states that nothing can seperate us from god's love.. it was kind of refreshing to hear her talk about everyone being important and worthwhile to god.
That concept is confirmed in the Baha'i scriptures. carmel
What if you became very rich?
by Irish Rose inmy husband and i was talking about this the other day.
what would happen if one became very very rich, and our jw relatives learned about it?
what do you think they would be saying, or thinking?
I don't consider myself "very rich" but statistically am in the top 5%. I've had one of my JW nephews who along with his parents shunned me for decades call my wife to see if I would send him money when his house burned to the ground. We discussed it and decided it would be of little consequence to us financially so we were ready to send a $500 check but he never called back with the address to send it. Perhaps circumstances changed and accepting money from the black sheep of the family wasn't attractive... We held the check for a year then disposed of it. carmel
Well this totally sucks...
by bluesbreaker59 inmy girlfriend that i brag to everyone about, and treat like a queen, is leaving me.
i actually got df'd over her, and have been with her for over 5 months.
we were so close, i just totally never, ever saw this coming.
Do the report then come back and commiserate! carmel
You and an elder ONE on ONE, who would win ?
by JH inlets say, you would be alone with an elder in a room, and you wouldn't be allowed to come out of that room until both agree that either the watchtower is wrong or they are right.. who would win the discussion, you or the elder?.
you would be allowed to bring a bible and their literature to prove what you want to say..
You and an elder ONE on ONE, who would win ?
by JH inlets say, you would be alone with an elder in a room, and you wouldn't be allowed to come out of that room until both agree that either the watchtower is wrong or they are right.. who would win the discussion, you or the elder?.
you would be allowed to bring a bible and their literature to prove what you want to say..
What are you eating right now?
by Crumpet in(oh yes the market has not yet been cornered on fluffy inanities and i can compete with the best!).
i am having breakfast at my desk of blueberries, greek set natural yeo valley yoghurt hazelnuts and whole grain flakes.
i feel so virtuous....
Strawberry and rhubarb sause with cool whip and walnuts on top! desert will be next..... carmel
Has anyone gone to the convention yet?
by ocean7 ini read here that jws were told in the km that they shouldn't wear jeans, t-shirts or shorts out after the convention or even in the loby of their hotel.
well, i am just curious to see what everyone else who still goes to meetings observed.
if you wore jeans, t-shirts or shorts, did someone say anything to you about it?
....nah... I'm non-conventional..... Carmel
Stop college or keep plugging on?...opinions please.
by FreedomFrog inhere's my situation...i'm doing college online because i can't very well do college the traditional way with a 2 year old.
anyway, my computer has been acting really funny and it's not reliable anymore.
my ex worked on it for almost 4 hours and the darn thing still crashes saying my "virtual" memory is too low.
First off, you're not a "failure" regardless of which road you travel. You may want to back off for a semester or two and re-evaluate. Circumstances may change and you'll have different options. You might look into grants for technology, i.e. micosoft and others often will reward persons in your circumstance with re-conditioned computer... I wish you well. carmel