I've worked in the ER for 6 years. The majority of docs use blood when ABSOLUTELY neccessary. There are, of course, a few that use it whenever. There are also blood expanders, and different components of blood that can be used. The grand mal seizure you spoke of might have been related to the blood or been from other factor.
I have also worked a case where a 3 year old required blood to live. There were no if, ands, or buts about it. The elders were there, putting the young parents thru hell. After speaking to the doctor and the legal department it took less than 2 hours to get a guardianship order to allow the blood. The elders made asses out of themselves. Even tried to get them to sneak the child out. I finally had them escorted out by security and restricted visitors.
The parents thanked me for taking the decision out of their hands. They were SO relieved. PLUS-it was SSOOOO priceless seeing the elders escorted out.!!!! I've been able to help with several patients that were JWs.