some are starting to refer to it as the Silver Sword.
i had a face to face conversation with an active jw today.
i was informed that they congregations don't like the new bible being referred to as the "gray bible", so some are starting to refer to it as the silver sword.. .
some are starting to refer to it as the Silver Sword.
peace to you all!.
for some time now, i have been arguing and debating and discussing matters of god and the spirit (who is christ).
i have tried to share as he has given me to share whenever he gives me something to share.
It's funny how these people who 'definitely' hear the 'voice' of 'the Lord' never actually say anything even remotely remarkable or even slightly indicative of coming from some 'higher power'.
actually, in my experience, i have not found them to be tighter or more generous with money.
i've found them to be about the same with handling money as non-jws, though less likely to invest their money, but unlikely to waste it on cigarettes, pubs/clubs and gambling like many non-jws do.
i certainly don't find them tighter or stingier than normal people though, and slightly more honest.. what are your experiences with jws and money compared to non-jws and money?.
Julia Orwell:
Here in Australia tipping is not a cultural thing and JWs pay the waiters the exact amount of the meal while non-Jws will round the payment up or throw in $5-10 if the service was good.
I'm not aware that any such clear distinction regarding JWs and non-JWs exists in regard to tipping in Australia. If there is any such correlation, it is more likely to relate to income.
so it seems i made another mistake.
i expressed negative feelings to my hubby.
i'm not allowed to express anything but positive emotions.
This is a list that I use at work in situations where I suspect a patient might be in an abusive relationship. Take from it what you will, take note of the points that apply.
Some scary things on that list. I counted 30 things each I remember that my parents used to do to each other (their might be more I've forgotten or wasn't aware of). 8 items with asterisks for my father, but only 1 for my mother. I guess we had things pretty easy.
i thought i sent a goodbye message on fb to two jdubs that i used to hang out with.
it sounded like goodbye to me, without saying goodbye.
here's what i wrote:.
By their rules, I am disfellowshipped. Even just typing those last 3 words made me feel ill. I AM NOT DISFELLOWSHIPPED!
If you're not a member of their organisation, their semantics don't apply to you. Just ignore whatever status the Watch Tower Society imagines you might have. If you don't consider yourself 'disfellowshipped', don't use the term.
Probably something along these lines.... I still love God, and that I have not left Him. Am I back to the meetings? As a Witness? No, my heart could not bear being shunned by people I called my dear friends. Entering the KH just hurt me too much. I am still the same person, the same chick from XXXX that wants to do the right thing. If you want to hang out on those terms, that I would be more than happy. I suspect that you will choose not to. Just know that it was the shunning that caused me to leave the organization.
Why?? You shouldn't have to negotiate a 'contract' with someone who's supposed to be your friend. Use natural language. There's no reason to mention your religious beliefs at all. If they insist on prying into your life or labelling you with JW semantics, you're probably better off without them.
a normal person, upon hearing that a new (or revised) bible translation has been released, would have 2 questions spring to mind almost immediately:.
1) who did the work, and what are their credentials?.
2) what manuscripts is the work based on?.
I have to disagree wit you there Jeffro
You're welcome to disagree. But it's fairly evident that they've just gone through the old NWT and replaced various words and expressions with ones they've deemed more modern. Essentially, similar to their process when they translate the NWT from English into other languages. It doesn't show evidence of retranslation of the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek from scratch.
a normal person, upon hearing that a new (or revised) bible translation has been released, would have 2 questions spring to mind almost immediately:.
1) who did the work, and what are their credentials?.
2) what manuscripts is the work based on?.
It's a revision. It's not a re-translation.
so how high will the jw app climb up the app store download charts on monday?.
will it be high enough to register on any third party lists of what's hot?.
can you imagine what the wts would make of it being on the front page of the app store?.
So I can't get it for my Nokia Windows phone - gutted :-)
It's also available (or will be available) for Windows 8 mobile. Lucky you.
so how high will the jw app climb up the app store download charts on monday?.
will it be high enough to register on any third party lists of what's hot?.
can you imagine what the wts would make of it being on the front page of the app store?.
Faithful Witness:
I'm also willing to bet the blessed app will include some spyware And there will be lots of automatic updates, and maybe they will grant themselves access to your cloud!
You clearly don't understand the application environments of operating systems on mobile devices.
we got home earlier today from celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary.
we had a blast.
walked aroung gatlinberg.
Julia Orwell:
What's the UPC?
We call them barcodes.