On a side note, I was chatting with her husband once after a session at an assembly and he was standing with a broom in his hand. He said "I brought this in case ***** wants to ride home on her own tonight."
She very much "wore the pants" in their relationship.
Posts by thom
Do you think the Watchtower makes up experiences by people ???
by run dont walk inin the may 1, 1988 watchtower, on page 22, a witness, matsue ishii, recalls her first encounter with the bible students in 1928: at the back of our house in tojo-cho, osaka, there was a house with a sign: "osaka branch of the international bible students association.
" assuming it to be a christian group, i visited the house.
"do you believe in the second advent of the lord?
Do you think the Watchtower makes up experiences by people ???
by run dont walk inin the may 1, 1988 watchtower, on page 22, a witness, matsue ishii, recalls her first encounter with the bible students in 1928: at the back of our house in tojo-cho, osaka, there was a house with a sign: "osaka branch of the international bible students association.
" assuming it to be a christian group, i visited the house.
"do you believe in the second advent of the lord?
I remember an experience at a DC where some information what carefully left out of an experience.
A young couple I knew were giving experiences and the husband gave some experience that I don't really remember, then the wife gave hers. There was a "worldly" guy where she worked that had shown some interest and she was "witnessing" to him. After a while, she turned it over to a brother who studied with him and he eventually got baptized into "the truth".
What she left out was that this guy from work was standing right next to her. She had the hots for him and was dating this "worldly" guy and he eventually became a JW and she married him. I wonder how the whole thing would have sounded if she brought out all the facts during her interview instead of leaving that part out. -
What did JW teaching do to your view of God?
by thom induring the last few years that i was a jw i formed an opinion more and more of how i thought god was cruel and didn't understand or care about how his actions affect people.
i started to believe that we humans were just his little play toys and like a mean kid, he'd just kill off some now and then for whatever reason without any concern for his "toys".
in wondering how he could justify killing so many at armageddon, killing so many in the time before jesus came to earth, judging people who are in an imperfect state just because they happen to live at the time of armageddon but everyone else being judged in a perfect state without satan's influence i started thinking that he really had no concern for people and maybe even enjoyed the thought of those who would be "weeping and gnashing their teeth" right before they die forever.
During the last few years that I was a JW I formed an opinion more and more of how I thought God was cruel and didn't understand or care about how his actions affect people.
I started to believe that we humans were just his little play toys and like a mean kid, he'd just kill off some now and then for whatever reason without any concern for his "toys". In wondering how he could justify killing so many at armageddon, killing so many in the time before Jesus came to earth, judging people who are in an imperfect state just because they happen to live at the time of armageddon but everyone else being judged in a perfect state without Satan's influence I started thinking that he really had no concern for people and maybe even enjoyed the thought of those who would be "weeping and gnashing their teeth" right before they die forever.
By the time I left I had quite a hatred for him, and also was sickened by how so many people (JW's) defend his actions and don't seem bothered a bit by all the death they are looking forward to (armageddon).
Now I really don't know what to think. I think my view is skewed because all of my beliefs throughout my life were guided by JW's interpretation of scripture. I'm thinking that maybe I have it all wrong but haven't done enough research yet to see what the bible really says.
My hope is that he is not the cruel, selfish, sick murderer that I grew to think he is but this is what being raised a JW has done to my view of God. -
Questions You Could NEVER Ask Your Elders
by minimus injwd is great for giving us the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to things that you could never ask in a kingdom hall.
what are some questions that are simply taboo amongst the "friends"?
An elder in my hall (dictator of our kh) spent alot of time in Florida and a few years ago he and his family kept talking and talking about how he was going to give the memorial talk at a cong there because they "needed" him to.
So I asked "Don't they have elders in Florida?" He just glared at me and walked away. -
I hear things in the news and my first thoughts are still "Yep, just goes to show how close we are to the end."
Not that I believe that, but it's always the first thing to pop into my mind. -
What Temperature Do You Have Your A/C Set At?
by the_classicist in.
me, 25 degrees celsius.
but usually around 24.
It's about 84F in here right now, that's as cool as the evap cooler can do today. Better than the 115F or so outside.
If I wanted to spend an extra $300/month in the summer, I'd use the two big air conditioners on the roof. -
Rude car dealerships
by Simon indon't you just hate them ?.
i mean the ones that think they are too good to serve you (or you are not good enough to deal with).. as i posted previously, my last contract ended a few weeks ago and i got another that will involve a bit more travel than normal so am looking to get a better car to eat up the mileage and provide a bit more safety.
contract hire just to get me to and from work safely and efficiently.
My wife (ex) and I went to a Toyota dealership a few years ago and were looking at vans. The salesmen looked at us but not one of them approached us or said a word. We left after a bit and went to another Toyota dealership and bought a new Sienna.
I love to work out the final price when buying a car, just fun for me I guess. -
What is your quirkiest quirk?
by damselfly ini, damselfly, can not knowingly eat the little squiggly, umbilical cord things in eggs.
i have to very carefully separate the whites from the yolk and remove the squiggly bits with a knife.
i get gaggy just thinking about them.
"I can't be around people for too long or I become overwhelmed."
Same here. I find it exhausting to interact too long. Probably because I'm so antisocial. Or maybe that's why I'm antisocial. Something like that. -
Lyrics to the hymns
by gringojj ini was at the dc this weekend and one thing caught my attention.
i just found it very odd to use the words "theocratic arrangement" in a hymn.
it makes the idea of god feel so commercialized.
One song has the phrase "present truth" in it. They obviously don't know the definition of the word truth.
I was at in international convention in Vancouver in I think 1972 or near then and on one of the songs the speaker had the men only sing part and the women only sing part. I think it was:
Women: "What will you bring, Jehovah's Kingdom?"
Men: "Triumph of truth and righteousness"
Women: "And bring what else, Jehovah's Kingdom?"
Men: "Eternal life and happiness"
Everyone: "Praise the universal sovereign, for his love and faithfullness."
I was young then but it stuck with me how much emphasis was put on men being the authority over women. It just seemed a strange thing to do and even as a kid I thought that it sounded somewhat demeaning to women. -
Article from: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (07-20-2005)
by ljwtiamb infeatures
the insular world of the jehovahs witnesses bethel
by sarah ryley ([email protected]), published online 07-20-2005
"are printed closer to where they are being shipped, all across the world, said Garth Tiglas, the tour guide for 25 Columbia Heights"
Garth and I were good friends in the years preceeding his going to Bethel. He's very overzealous (what we called him then) but one of the nicest people you could ever meet. I watched him become a JW in his early 20's and eat it up and dive in deep. From what I understand, he's never once come up for air and it's been about 20 years now.
He gave the memorial talk at my ex-kh this year.