JoinedTopics Started by jimakazi
Question About The Religion
by ImACatholic injehovah's witnesses do not believe or teach some of the very basic tenets of christian doctrine.
1. the trinity.
2. the omnipresence of god.
Time was when we would just have taken you out and killed you...'
by Mystery insounds like what my jc told me.
'you know, we are being loving here.
time was when we would just have taken you out and killed you...' .
by tijkmo inwhat are the chances of getting a ticket.
last updated: tuesday, 31 may, 2005, 15:54 gmt 16:54 uk e-mail this to a friend printable version geldof unveils live 8 show plans .
watch the launchbob geldof has unveiled plans for a repeat of 1985's live aid concert, called live 8, to highlight the ongoing problem of global poverty and debt.. the free event will be held in london's hyde park on 2 july with concerts in philadelphia, paris, rome and berlin.
JWs and socio economic status
by greendawn indo you think that someone's socio economic status determines how they get treated (behaved to) by the jws?
can someone high up the ladder get away with more things especially if he made big donations to the society and do they look down upon those lower down?
New to site - letting it out
by jimakazi init is interesting to read the comments of so many who are no longer "in the truth".
i have not associated for 18 years but as my parents are still very much "in the truth".
i never disassociated myself as i feel to do so is to acknowledge some form of official status over me.
The Truth Hurts The Most
by minimus inwhat's the best way to get to people to expose the watchtower's lies??
tell the truth.
point out how jws are a cult.
The saddest song you've ever heard
by littlerockguy inwhat is the saddest song that brings tears to your eyes just about every time you hear it?
mine is harry chapin's cats in the cradle
Does anyone Love Jehovah anymore?
by defd in.
i know people have left for people issues but what about jehovah god and jesus?
what have they done?.
Who's Counting "hours"?.... look again!
by upside/down inone time while out in service we saw some mormon's working the same territory.. the inevitable put-down comment was made that "they" only put in two years of "missionary" work in, then their church helps them financially to get "set" in the business world (bastards!).
unlike "us" (the dubs) who slave for the lord our whole life.
and get nothing (in this life).. so i started to do the math... if you just go strictly by "witness" standards of weights and measurements (counting "time"), here's what i came up with:.
Active Jehovah's Witnesses - - - PLEASE READ
by nicolaou inan open letter to all jehovah's witnesses.
dear friend, .
what caused you to come and read the posts of so many of your former brothers and sisters who have either been disfellowshipped or have chosen to walk away from the society and the 'truth'?