Welcome theundecided2004. Glad you could finally get up the courage to post. I think most of us understand the apprehension, though, after what we've been programmed to think-feel-hate about these types of places.
Having been sexually abused by a JW friend of the family, I could relate to your comment:
I couldn't say anything to my parents, what would they think of the trouble I caused? I thought, "my father will blame me, whip me!" "I'll ruin the parents' relationship!" I'll smear the older brother's name!" My disposition changed, I grew angry, confused, betrayed by G-D.
While attempting to tell my parents during a dinnertime when I was 16, I couldn't quite find the words to say, and inadvertently said something negative about the elders. My elder father picked up the steak-knife he was using and pointed it at me and said that I was NEVER TO TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT THE BROTHERS AGAIN! I got the message.
I was left feeling hated by God, like I must be a "goat" because he obviously did not care much about me. I've felt worthless, like no matter how much effort I put into trying to be a good jw, it was never good enough. I felt like all my "good works" were in vain because I was never going to make it to paradise anyway, because god just couldn't love me because god knew I had a bad heart. I just wanted to cause problems for the organization. Certainly my trying to talk about it was not because it may have been a legitimate cry for help. I knew I didn't want to cause a problem, I just wanted to be acknowleged, heard, comforted, helped. After years of being "shut up" I even began to think that I imagined the abuse.
It took over 20 years to start to seriously trust my own memories and feelings. What a liberation it was to finally speak openly and truthfully about what happened, feel believed, and NOT judged like it was somehow YOUR fault the abuse happened. I hope you get the same relief from finally speaking.