I was raised with spanking. When I was 2 my dad asked me why I go to meetings. He was hoping for a "because I love Jehovah" answer; but, instead he got, "to get a spanking." When I had my children (6 of them) I was still stuck in that JW way of spanking my children when they didn't behave. One hit...another hit...eventually they became immune to it.
I took parenting classes when my oldest was about 7 and my youngest about 2, as a single parent. I learned how to parent without hitting. I was firm, they had consequences for their actions - but after I learned there was a different way to discipline I never spanked. My parents thought I wasn't doing a good job as a parent. One sister at the kingdom hell tried to assist me by hitting my children while "helping" me during a meeting when my kids weren't behaving. I was livid.
These children are now 18 to 24, all have graduated, are employed (the oldest as an RN) and none of them do drugs or have any kind of criminal record. The same cannot be said for my jw-raised, spanked siblings. All of my children have better self esteem than myself and my 3 siblings do.
Spanking does not work. Positive discipline, with firmness, consistency, and love do. It may take more time and work to do, but it works. Parenting is an investment in the future. Spanking, or any form of corporal punishment, in my experience, does not work.