JoinedTopics Started by chris1525
There were some good things about the organisation...
by Do I Stand Alone? ini have read a number of experiences in this discussion forum and quite frankly, i would have to agree that many, if not all, were pretty terrible experiences if not all together traumatic.
i know that my personal 9-11 tragedy resulted in finding out that the watchtower society was involved with the united nations.
that pretty much said it all as far as my "career" in the organisation was concerned.
I had the most amazing dream
by katiekitten inwhen i was sleeping in a foreign field (well glastonbury, so it might have been the mushroom garlic bread).. i dreamed me and mum were at the meeting doing the witchtower, and uncle malcolm was taking it (yes the very same who was widowed by a sausage and married a rich old lady).
well he asked a question and mum answered up and what she said was totally the opposite of what the witchtower was saying, but she used such long words and convoluted reasoning that no-one noticed.
in fact some other people answered up and said they agreed with her and continued to spout the witchtower line.
What do you feel when you see groups of Jehovah's Witnesses on the street?
by nicolaou inregret, anger frustration?
how about sadness, sorrow, sympathy, understanding, even yearning!.
it can be quite confusing at times.
by Outaservice inin the 16th, and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large shipments of manure were common.. it was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by-product is menthane gas.. as the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen.
menthane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below with a lantern, 'ka.........boooom!'.
several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening.. after that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term 'ship high in transit' on them which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the 'hold' would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.. thus evolved the term "s.h.i.t.
More On 'That Debases'
by chris1525 inprobably the only talk that interested my, apart from the one on masturbation.
apologies to you guys that take alot of stuff on this site seriously an dare truly intersted in christianity etc.
i am very irreverent.
by chris1525 in.
i'm new here.. think i got 'dubs' and 'borg' right.
(jw's and organisation (organization to my chums from the u.s. of a.).
It took them exactly 13 hours from the news broadcast ...
by kwintestal in.
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
Buying Xmas & Birthday Cards
by chris1525 in.
do any of you find it easier buying porn than buying a birthday card?.
i have been 'out' for apprx 12 years now and it still feels naughty buying xmas and birthday cards.
Embarrassed By Parents
by chris1525 inhopefully this will be a topic that gets you thinking and many persons will have funny stories to tell.
apologies if it's been done before but i'm new here.. .
my dad once gave a talk directed at the young persons in the cong.
How do I control my jealousy?!! Help!
by Crumpet inthe first time i can vividly recall feeling jealous was when i was 7.. my dad came home from visiting a client with gifts for me and my sisters.
my younger sisters got a beaufiful handmade doll dressed in pink lace called betty and a handmade cotton cot.
i got the 1982 yearbook of jws.