I know we are not the norm but she is doing great. To toot her horn ... she ended up home schooling 6th-8th grade because of the fact she thought she wasn't learning anything much in public school (just be taught the state test information). And because right around that time the witnesses (adults including my sister) where basically stalking her at school. She completed 6th-8th grades in 2 years and entered High School. She basically skipped her Sophomore year also. She is now 14 and a Junior and is currently taking college classes simultaneously.
this is just from me not holding her back and trying to support her aspirations. Where one might have thought that was a huge mistake in the JW baptism issue (which I admit it could have bit me in the ass). It's the same drive that makes her excel and motivates her in the rest of her life. I did not and do not now feel comfortable with anything other than supporting that drive and of course to the best of my knowledge and ability at any given time keeping her safe and prepared in the process.
OK so that is 3 cents ... tehehee