I was talking with a witness relative just a month ago about this very thing. She had stoped by to visit and bring me the latest mags and she wanted to know if I had acquired any humility toward "the organization" since we last spoke. "It's the only place that true worship can be found and practiced." I told her that I pray every day to my Father in search of truth. "Do you use his name when praying", she asked? "He's my Father, my Poppa and that's the way I address him", I said. She then proceeded to tell me that my prayers aren't even heard, much less answered, because of me not showing the proper respect by saying Jehovah, and even if I did use the name that He would only listen if I were asking for help in returning to his organization. I said, "Return to the WTS.....just like a dog returning to its own vomit? That's what MY Father told me that it would be like when he answered one of my earlier prayers about it!" Funny thing, she didn't stay very long after that. . . . later, chappy
JoinedPosts by chappy
Does Prayer Disprove the Watchtower?
by metatron infrequently, we look for simple, powerful arguments to disprove watchtower nonsense.
perhaps we have missed the simplest one of all:.
Things That Irritated You When You Were A JW
by minimus inthere were some witnesses that loved taking notes for every meeting.
whatever you would say, the note takers were busy as a bee writing down every word.
especially if you went out of town to give a talk, certain ones (only sisters) would take their note taking very very seriously.. another thing that used to get to me was when you'd see the same people every assembly on the platform giving a talk or being in a part.
Special needs talks about "proper intimate conduct in the marriage bed" and especially their downright OBSESSION with oral sex. Fact is many of the couples born into the Borg and probably 90% of the old timers didn't even have a clue as to what it even was. All the nods of agreement at even the most ridiculous points made in the WT. In the late 70's when I was already completely fed up with the Borg is when the article on "Independent Thinking" came out. I was ready to walk out, spitting nails on the way. I couldn't believe my eyes...nearly everyone else there was smiling broadly and giving that "nod of approval!" These idiots were GLADLY giving away their last vestige of freedom, the right to think. All of the tired, restless and bored children getting their little asses torn up in the back room for being fidgety. EVERYTHING about them irritated me back then. later, chappy
11/15/08 WT: Sick? Too damn bad - get yer @$$ back to the KH, slacker!
by sir82 inthere's been a few topics on the "search out the inactive ones" articles in this wt, but i haven't seen anything on the 3rd study article, titled "maintain a scriptural view of healthcare".. i was unaware that the bible had anything to say at all about healthcare, but oh how wrong i was!.
unfortunately, no scanner - perhpas one of the other intrepid posters could scan and post it.. but here are a few choice quotes:.
paragraph 6: "...we know it is wise to avoid letting our health become an obsession or a constant concern.".
"Some diagnostic procedures border on the use of the uncanny." Come on folks, don't you think this nit-picking of Jehovah's Witnesses is a little over the top? We all know they're only stressing the use of common sense when dealing with medical issues. The Witnesses have always been well known for encouraging the use of approved and accepted medical practice like Miracle Wheat, The Electronic Radio Biola and Phrenology. chappy
God or no God? I really don't know anymore.
by easyreader1970 ini am no longer sure where i stand on the whole supreme being(s) thing anymore.
but i feel like i need to find out where i stand before i move in any particular direction.
how could it exist if there was no universe?
In any discussion about the existence of God skeptics demand PROOF. There's certainly nothing wrong with demanding proof, it's just the degree of proof that seems to be a roadblock to many skeptics. Proof of anything is relative. I'm not certain that ABSOLUTE proof exists for anything. Much of it depends on the mindset of the individual. For example, in the case of the existence of God I feel that the persons desire for it to be true or not changes the degree of proof desired. If an individual just doesn't like the IDEA of a superior being that he or she may be in some sort of subjection to, I wonder just how much proof would be required? It's fairly common on the atheist discussion boards for hardliners to openly state that there is NO proof that they would accept for the existence of God. "How would you know that even if "god" showed himself and demonstrated miracles that it wasn't just some clever, highly advanced alien being masquerading as "god""? I have found that many people in this category could never be convinced no matter how much proof/evidence is presented. If you're happily married, the assumption that your spouse loves you is very easy to accept. This assumption isn't based on indisputable ABSOLUTE proof, it's the evidence that convinces us. Think about it; could you PROVE, with 100% accuracy that your spouse truly does loves you? There are examples of marriages lasting many years where one spouse knows without a doubt that their partner loves them, only to find out after losing all of their money that it had all been a ruse put on by their partner in order to have financial security or get their hands on money or other selfish need. As long as just ONE case like this has ever happened anywhere in the world, then ABSOLUTE, scientific proof of love in ANY marriage is impossible. So what proof, if any, could convince you of the existence of God? chappy
Had a witness relative visit me yesterday and we got into a discussion about Noahs flood. I of course did my best to explain to her how it didn't happen and many of the reasons why. One reason I gave was the perverbial lack of sufficiant water to cover the earth. She proceeds to "explain" about the "water canopy" that surrounded the earth and how it fell etc. etc. She's one of theses types that you can't convince to even investigate the real scientific principles about the impossibility of the event. She will ONLY believe what is in the NWT of the bible along with anything the WTS says. I finally came up with an idea that i hadn't thought of before; using the NWT to make a point that really got her confused. I brought up the scripture in Genesis 1:14 where God lights (stars) in the firmament to act as signs etc. This was so obvious. I asked her how men could view the stars for their signs and guidance if the world was surrounded by a vapor canopy. I pointed out that you can't see the stars even when it's just lightly overcast so how could early man have used them for Gods intended purpose with that dense water canopy blocking their view. She left somewhat dumbfounded vowing to get an answer from the society. Can't wait to hear their reply! Now this little incident may not seem like much to most of the folks here, but sometimes it's just the little victories over the Borg that bring the most pleasure. Thought some of you might get a chuckle from it. later, chappy
Watching 60 minutes about the bail out ....on top of Persian rugs.
by restrangled inguess what...i saw 2 persian rugs worth at least 10,000 a piece as the bail out was discussed.. i heard nothing.....i was just looking at those rugs....how about putting those up for sale?....like the rest of us our going to have to do to make ends meet....as if we all had persian rugs...... damn this makes me angry.. r..
The bottom line is that like it or not the Mafia runs this country. The ONLY power and control we as the people have is to vote at least half of our representatives out of office, better yet all of 'em. Trust me, if you want to put the fear of God in the "leadership" DO IT!! When they break the country, there's no one to blame but ourselves. Do you really want a bunch of self serving idiots the likes of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank running this country? Let's ALL show some balls and demonstrate that were not as stupid as they think we are! Get mad as hell and spread the word if you really care. If you don't care, then what you get is more of the same and it's frankly deserved!! It's time we, the real owners of this country raise HOLY HELL and throe the bastards out!! VOTE INDEPENDENT!!! chappy
Kooky statements by Bethel leaders
by chappy intrue story.
a relative of mine finished his "tour of duty" at bethel in the 60's and was telling us some of the experiences he had there.
he was once in the mens room using the urinal and bro.
True story. A relative of mine finished his "tour of duty" at Bethel in the 60's and was telling us some of the experiences he had there. He was once in the mens room using the urinal and Bro. Knorr happened to be standing between him and another young guy. He cautioned them not to touch their penis while urinating as it could lead to unexpected arousal. I asked him if he asked how the hell he was supposed to shake it off but he was so surprised at the comment that he said nothing. Must be a lot of wet legs at Bethel. What a bunch of nuts leading that place! Where do they come up with this crap? I wonder what ole' Knorr did while taking a bath or shower? chappy
Question about "Keep yourself in God's Love"
by tresdecu inon another thread someone talked about new light as explained in the new book from 08 dc about disfellowshipped / inactive family members.
i didn't get a copy.. does anyone have a few specifics they could share about association with these family members?.
Do these people really think they are pleasing God or are they deathly afraid of people with fresh ideas? What are they so afraid of? chappy
by badboy ina christan writer(heph???????
) about ad 200?
mentions that living descendants of peter and matthew were known
If Jesus didn't exist as the direct miraculous Son of God it certainly doesn't preclude the existence of God the Creator. I'm certain our understanding will evolve with time. Keep your eyes and ears open; things are going to happen in the near future that will blow your mind!! later, chappy
JW splinter groups..
by fb130 ini was just wondering.
has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from wts & forming some sort of reformed jw church that isn't so controlling.
like lurther & the catholic church.
IMO ALL religion is man made and, with the exception of a few scattered individual churches, have an agenda of CONTROL. Religion and real spirituality have nothing in common. Associating with with like minded people in groups is fine, but no person or organization can teach you how to have a relationship with God. Each individuals relationship with the Divine is unique and personal.