JoinedTopics Started by chappy
Nibiru - 2012
by chappy init's interesting, alright, as long as you can keep from believing it.
it's mostly science fiction.
the problem is that he tries to present it as factual.
Kooky statements by Bethel leaders
by chappy intrue story.
a relative of mine finished his "tour of duty" at bethel in the 60's and was telling us some of the experiences he had there.
he was once in the mens room using the urinal and bro.
How many of you believe in God, but not the Bible as His word?
by chappy inif you do believe in god but not that the bible is his word what are your core beliefs and how did you arrive at them?
even if you don't believe in the bible as the word of god, do you find it useful/helpful in your faith?
do you still adhere to any particular religion?
End Times, the Bible and Fundementalism.. Does this make sense?
by chappy inthis is a 10 part video lecture by jordan maxwell on youtube.
this is really facinating and different stuff folks and i want to get your opinions.
if the watchtower org.
Muslems and Jews
by chappy ini just saw a short segment on fox about an incident this afternoon on the ny subway.
a jewish couple were getting on the train when a group of about 10 others were telling everyone in the car "merry christmas!
" the jewish couple replied "and happy haunikka to you!
Listen, your life and health depend on this!!!
by chappy inafter being in the wt all those years i never thought i'd ever find a true representative of god.
praise be i've found him.
this man is a miracle worker!
Single Ex's or Single Nevers?
by chappy injust wonderin', if you're single and an ex jw would you prefer a relationship with another ex jw or someone who was never involved?
i've given this quite a bit of thought and my preference is definately another ex jw as long as they had made a real break from the borg.
JW offshoots, need the link
by chappy inthere's a website listing most if not all of the jw/russellite offshoots; there's quite a few of them., anyone have the link?.