God said to Moses, [...] "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
'I AM has sent me to you.'"
You said before that God was not using "I AM" as a Name in Exodus 3:14. Yet, God told Moses, "Say ... 'I AM has sent me to you.' " That is most definitely not the normal way of using "I AM." Normal people do not tell others "I AM has sent you," rather they would say "I sent you."
Mondos point is that doesn`t really say "I am has sent you", because the phrasing is hO WN , and hO WN doesn`t mean "I am", it means "the Being". When God says "I am who I am", he really says "EGW EIMI HO WN", which directly translated means "I Am the Being", not "I Am who I Am". However: This doesn`t mean that you are wrong! "I am the Being" is the direct translation of the passage, and the direct wording in greek, but that doesn`t mean that the translators made an error when the Bible was translated from greek. What is the essential meaning of "The Being"? It is existence, isn`t it? Existence in itself, for itself, by itself, and for all eternity, with no beginning, no end. This is what God is, and not even Mondo or your average jw would disagree on that. In other words, the term "The Being" means all that is God, and so does "I am". When the words EGW EIMI, "I AM" came from the mouth of God as an introductory statement in the OT, it really just means the same as "The Being". It was translated into "I AM WHAT I AM" or "I AM THAT I AM", because the translators ever since the Vulgata understood the meaning of both EGW EIMI and hO WN. The point is that the two terms mean the same thing, when God is using them. It means "I exist" (forever, by myself). What Mondo also doesn`t understand, is the claim of eternal existence by Jesus, in John 8:
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"
Hebrew didn`t really have any words that meant "eternity". What do you then say, when you want to say that something or someone is eternal? You create an expression, a metaphore that signifies an extremely long-term existence, construct sentences that would mean such a thing as our modern word, "eternal". The greeks were great poets, but these jws don`t understand poetry very well...