Our family will always love that sister, she is still a faithful pioneer. I suppose you could compare her to a NUN or sister in the Catholic church. They may be mislead by man made orgnization, but what they do, they trully believe is what God wants them to do...and if they help someone who is desperate in life, than I guess we can agree they have done good as well. OC |
Posts by ocsrf
Do you hate the person that converted you?
by MsMcDucket ini really feel like i got punk'd!
so, punk'd, that i messed up my family!
all because i thought they knew better than me!
Has the exodus begun now?
by toby888 inanyone have any real information if the great exodus has begun?
tickle my ears-
Does leaving mean just bodily or have people left in mind, spirit, and wallet?
That is me for now, how many others just like me? Not giving money is the greatest satisfaction I get, especially when I hear that they have some kind of short fall. But, it is too bad that generally that means some poor soul who probably can't afford to do so, chips in and makes up the difference. OCBlondie
How the Internet Means 'The End' for Apostates and Opposers of the Society
by slimboyfat inthe received wisdom is that the internet has dramatically damaged the ability of the watchtower society to gain and retain followers.
there was a very eloquent article to that effect written some time ago by a commentator who attempted to buttress his argument with reference to the postmodern condition and the breakdown of metanarratives in todays secular society, nay, even the come-back for enlightenment notions of truth.
in the 1970/80s there were major challenges to the watchtowers theology (great crowd in heaven) and chronology (1914) in norway, alberta canada, dublin ireland and in the newyork bethel itself: but the damage caused by those involved in the dissent was limited because knowledge was dispersed merely through personal contact and minimal use of obscure publications that seldom met the eyes of witnesses innocent of the watchtowers doctrinal and chronological vacillations in any case.
Their are plenty of people such as me that have no desire to be considered hard core apostate but at the same time because of the internet, we no longer attend all the meetings, stopped contributing, and go out in service less than once a month and when we do it is basically meaningless waste of time sipping coffee somewhere. So has the internet hurt the Society, there is no question in my mind, it must be killing the contributions! They can measure your meeting attendance and field service but they have no way of knowing that I have not given more than $20 in the last 5 years.
Still on the fence!
by acuragirl inhey everyone i know its been a while since i posted but today i felt the need.just wanted to update you all on my position which is still brainwashed!i just dont know what to do i gain my strength to conquer this disease,(thats what i call being born in the org) from others like freedom lover who have come out of this religon free and clear i know its not easy but i know it can be done.i dont know why i just cant get over it and move on already,but theres thats piece of me that says,but what if?then im back, screwed and tatooed with jdub on my forehead,thinking that jehovah is upset and dissapointed with me and satan has me in his grasp.im stil sooo confused even with all the evidence pointing to they are full of crap!what if they arent?i just want to know the truth even if i dont choose to follow it,i want to know if jehovah is watching me torment myself every day,going back and forth and i cant take it anymore.then i think what if there is no jehovah?who the hell am i praying to with my daughter at night?
(the air mabe)you see my daughter still believes even though she is ready to celebrate halloween this year and yes we bought her a costume,cinderella!my mother comes and takes her every now and then only if i promise to go to some meetings and i did last weekend i attended the sunday meeting for once in a about 6 months!felt strange to be there but once again going to a different cong i got love bombed.btw i feel guilty and scared about having anything to do with halloween this year.yup still dealing with the guilt,fear,agony,of knowing and believing in the dubs,for so long now trying desperately to get out without feeling the way i do.i just dont know what to do anymore and its a shame because the dubs have sucked the life out of me(guess i didnt check my doubts soon enough).if i dont get off the fence soon im going to go nuts.i like believeing that satan doesnt even exist and that there is no heavenly org.gives me peace of mind that i can just live my life,if theres a god,fine,is it jehovah?thats where the conflict arises and i cant just go on with my life thinking jehovah has lost me to the other side!
!im not a lost cause yet guys.i need new light!
She got really mad and started yelling at us
Acura,When I read that, sounded so much like what happened to me when I was a kid. I asked some question, mom went off...LOL, I am sure she just couldn't answer and how best to shut up a kid then to yell at them.
I never asked again, just accepted, with many seeds of doubts over the years.
I'd never heard of Patterson until just the other week............
by WingCommander ingreetings jwd forum:.
been a while, so i will say "hi" first and state that i do read here almost every weekday at lunch.
i especially enjoy mulan and crumpets posts.
Dear Wing, As mentioned, it is not a secret, depending on whatever congregation you go to, many of the friends get very excited about it and talk about it with great delight. You can take a tour as mentioned and if you were active you would of even had an opportunity to offer temporary work there as well. I think many young ones participate in such activites so that they can meet a mate.
I am not exactly sure of all the operations that go on up there, but I think the goal is to eventually have most of the work that was once done in Brooklyn, NY to be done at Patterson. I am sure that with the money they make on selling a building or two in Brooklyn, NY this would go along way in paying for many of the things they have at Patterson.
I agree it does seem like a compound where they serve coolaide...LOL.
Which countries still charge for the literature, and what are the rates...
by AuldSoul in.
which countries still charge for the literature, and what are the rates in usd?.
He said if you go to a book store to buy a bible, how much it would cost, and that's a way to kind of measure when donating for literature at the KH.
Elder's are great, I would love to hire a PI and see what they donate. I would guess it would fall way short of book store prices. And it they do donate that much, they are dummer than they look. Not saying it isn't costly to print and distribute literature, but most of that cost is already born by the R&F. Sales and distribution are one of the most expensive parts of any business. Sales people in most organizations are generally very well compensated for what they do.OC
Which countries still charge for the literature, and what are the rates...
by AuldSoul in.
which countries still charge for the literature, and what are the rates in usd?.
Simplification...LOL When ever the Society makes changes they always put their spin on the reason for the change. We all know if had to do with Taxes. That would explain why they stopped it first in the richest country in the world. It was either that or loose their tax exempt status which would cost them way more than just the slow down in contributions.
I suspect this has lot to do with why we bring our food to the conventions now instead of meals being provided for a suggested price. Personally, this was one of the best things that happened, no more lines and better food to my liking.
hallo an alle hier im forum
by indianer56germany inhallo ,.
ich komme aus deutschland und war bis vor 15 jahren ein zeuge jehovas.. wurde mich sehr freuen wenn hier jemand ist der deutsch kann und mir hilfe im forum gibt.. mit lieben gruen aus germany.
With witnesses in so many countries and languages, surely shows how much of a need there is for these poor people to have support. I would guess many will not have this outlet either now or in the near future. Peter, hope you can connect some how with others just like all of us here.
Email I received off mum
by Es inhey all, i usually pop into my folks once a week so that my son can see his grandparents.
anyway last week my dad asked if i wanted to go to a country show\fete with them on sat , so anyway a couple of days later i emailed my mum to see whether my fiance (non jw) could come too.. this is the email i received today.
as you are going to be busy over the next few weeks, we dont want to put added pressure on you, dont feel you have to come to the show.plus we have already explained the situation regarding mike we dont have anything against him personally, but the situation is difficult for us regards associating with him as your fiance because it would be viewed as our supporting your decision to marry out of the truth.
Es, To bad they don't see that you are attempting to live a life that is considered respectable by most standards.
Getting married and trying to be a decent person, this fact evades many witnesses to the point that all they do sometimes is talk about each other, in reality they are not even good enough for each other.
They gossip more than an single group of people, don't know this for a fact, but I do know that they sure do love that art form. LOL
Still on the fence!
by acuragirl inhey everyone i know its been a while since i posted but today i felt the need.just wanted to update you all on my position which is still brainwashed!i just dont know what to do i gain my strength to conquer this disease,(thats what i call being born in the org) from others like freedom lover who have come out of this religon free and clear i know its not easy but i know it can be done.i dont know why i just cant get over it and move on already,but theres thats piece of me that says,but what if?then im back, screwed and tatooed with jdub on my forehead,thinking that jehovah is upset and dissapointed with me and satan has me in his grasp.im stil sooo confused even with all the evidence pointing to they are full of crap!what if they arent?i just want to know the truth even if i dont choose to follow it,i want to know if jehovah is watching me torment myself every day,going back and forth and i cant take it anymore.then i think what if there is no jehovah?who the hell am i praying to with my daughter at night?
(the air mabe)you see my daughter still believes even though she is ready to celebrate halloween this year and yes we bought her a costume,cinderella!my mother comes and takes her every now and then only if i promise to go to some meetings and i did last weekend i attended the sunday meeting for once in a about 6 months!felt strange to be there but once again going to a different cong i got love bombed.btw i feel guilty and scared about having anything to do with halloween this year.yup still dealing with the guilt,fear,agony,of knowing and believing in the dubs,for so long now trying desperately to get out without feeling the way i do.i just dont know what to do anymore and its a shame because the dubs have sucked the life out of me(guess i didnt check my doubts soon enough).if i dont get off the fence soon im going to go nuts.i like believeing that satan doesnt even exist and that there is no heavenly org.gives me peace of mind that i can just live my life,if theres a god,fine,is it jehovah?thats where the conflict arises and i cant just go on with my life thinking jehovah has lost me to the other side!
!im not a lost cause yet guys.i need new light!
Acura, Sorry about that, new here and make mistakes on posting.
Born and raised as well, so I can relate to all your feelings. My kids are grown, so for me it is easier to decide for myself, when you have little ones you worry about what is best of them.
I am a slow fader who goes to the meetings here and there, mostly because I have good friends in other congregations I have not yet decided to give up yet. I know if I go completely away, many of them will no longer talk to me, this is a very difficult junction. I am sure it is the same for you as well.
I believe what keeps a large number of JWs in is just this one issue, so there numbers of 6 million does not tell the real truth which is that who knows maybe 2 million of them feel it is crap as well even if they go out in service and to the meetings.
No real advise other than to say Hi and for you to know that many of us suffer the same way.