I got baptized at 14 to please my mother, to try to get her approval. I knew even then that I didn't fully agree with the teachings, but at that young and vulnerable age, parental acceptance is the most important thing in your life.
When my kids approached their teenage years, I was dead set against them getting baptized so young. I remember a WT once that said something to the effect of 'if your child is old enough to decide what clothes they want to wear, what styles they like, they are old enough to decide if they want to serve God.' There is no way I would let them even consider it. And a few years after that, I was mentally 'out' myself, and actively discouraged them from getting baptized.
The interesting thing, to me, is that they have both said that they will NOT be JWs once they move out of the house. But, they have also said that if I had wanted them to get baptized years ago, they would have. In other words, they were willing to 'dedicate' their lives to an organization God because I wanted them to. Anyone else see something wrong with that?