JoinedTopics Started by Ingenuous
Paperback Bibles = Prison Edition?
by Ingenuous ini stumbled across this on ebay.
is this what the paperback bibles actually are?
the prison edition?.
Oooo, now I'm a Satan worshipper - Care to respond to Dad's latest attack?
by Ingenuous ini'm not going to answer this email from my dad.
he didn't listen the umpteen times i responded to his questions before - i'm not putting myself through that again.
i too thought about these things.
Not DA'd, Not DF'd - but pretty much Disowned...
by Ingenuous ini just came from what will probably be the last conversation i'll ever have with my father.
earlier in the day, i'd talked to my mom and she asked what i was up to - translated "what are you doing with yourself since you aren't going to meetings or out in service?
" i told her i'd been discussing the bible with an informal group of people and reading older wts literature.
Rev. 20:5: "The rest of the dead..." an ADDITION?
by Ingenuous ini've just finished reading c. t. russell's "divine plan of the ages".
he makes a comment about revelation 20:5 in a footnote: in this verse, the words, "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" are spurious.
they are not found in the oldest and most reliable greek mss, the sinaitic, vatican nos.
"Out There" - For Everyone Still Healing...
by Ingenuous ini love the promise of this poem - and it means even more since i left the org.. out there.
you'll see it all.. the floating ends will meet and mend and you will be yourself;.
your fully-formed self of selves.. every clumsy backward look will pay for itself.. every tear you've cried, or wanted to cry, will set your broken bones.. the rips in your heart will no longer need to be guarded.
"Heaven Insurance Companies"
by Ingenuous inwhy jws still hold to c. t. russell as their founder is a mystery.
part of it, no doubt, is an effort to make the org seem "antique", as if it had always existed.
but if he were alive today, russell would be branded the worse type of apostate - and he would no doubt loathe the org.. .
Most Hated "True Stories"
by Ingenuous ini was inspired by the "most hated analogies" thread.. a brother giving the public talk one sunday told the most ridiculous story.
i couldn't even swallow it when i was "in.".
i'll try not to laugh while i'm typing this.. once upon a time, in a land far, far away... someone planted a bomb in a kingdom hall.
Is your heart bigger since you left?
by Ingenuous ini was amazed how, in a matter of days after leaving the org, my heart seemed bigger.
i was free to love people - truly love them as they were and without condition.
i was no longer required to sit in judgement of them because they didn't believe as i did.
District Convention ApostaKits - Experiences???
by Ingenuous ini'm new and i just stumbled across the "checks" to be dropped into the donation boxes, etc.
has anyone completed any "covert" operations?
how did it go?