I saw this quotation once and I thought it was perfect!
"There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. "
The Watchtower is full of glaring light!
you kind of get to a point where you know all the answers when you are a jw.
you don't really have to research much more because its the same stuff they present over and over again.
"jehovah's reminders" but i kind of looked forward to new light.
I saw this quotation once and I thought it was perfect!
"There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. "
The Watchtower is full of glaring light!
here we go folks.
a newly opened forum for knocking is now open on pbs's website.
let's not let the jw's overrun this with crap.
Actually, I am glad they have the rule that you can't paste scripture and literature. While it can serve its purpose for apologists to show contraditions, it also serves to take away the fire of the JWs. If they can't quote vertabim from the Watchtower, they may actually have to use logic and reason. I really doubt there will be many witnesses who post anyway, but if they do, they will have to leave the Watchtower at the door! By the way, I am kcgirl over there. :)
wife sweet pea and i are just starting the 2nd phase of our fade, which as we are already inactive and at 50% meeting attendance, means stopping going altogether.. supposing the elders decide they want to make a shepherding call - which we naturally decline - could they announce us as 'no longer known as jw's' for declining the call, not being at meetings and being inactive?.
what if we did take the shepherding call and told the elders we just weren't coming back, with no specific reasons given?
they would be bound to ask if we still believed the fds doctrine, which we could lie about use theocratic warfare strategy and say we were just a bit depressed, with money worries, struggling with the routine etc and would probably be back soon.. thoughts?.
Fred E Hathaway said:
Not all deaths are announced. Nor are all restrictions/discipline or other actions. But should you ever want to come back, you'd have to deal with all the questions you said you weren't interested in discussing. That's a tough barrier to put between yourself and Jehovah, since the elders represent Christ's belongings in the congregation territory.
There is a lot of ignorance, arrogance, and judgmentalism in your misguided response. I would counter them, but I'm not interested in discussing it with you!
wife sweet pea and i are just starting the 2nd phase of our fade, which as we are already inactive and at 50% meeting attendance, means stopping going altogether.. supposing the elders decide they want to make a shepherding call - which we naturally decline - could they announce us as 'no longer known as jw's' for declining the call, not being at meetings and being inactive?.
what if we did take the shepherding call and told the elders we just weren't coming back, with no specific reasons given?
they would be bound to ask if we still believed the fds doctrine, which we could lie about use theocratic warfare strategy and say we were just a bit depressed, with money worries, struggling with the routine etc and would probably be back soon.. thoughts?.
After I faded completely, the elders would come to my door and I wouldn't answer. Then, they cornered me at my sister's baby shower and asked if I would meet with them. I told them "I'm not interested." He said, "Are you sure?" I confirmed and he asked why not. I said, "I'm just not interested" I didn't deviate too much from that phrase no matter what he asked me. He would ask me pretty loaded questions that could've gotten me in trouble, so I said, "You know, I'm just not interested in discussing this with you."
It shut him up, and felt pretty good to use the conversation closer on them that they try so hard to overcome at the doors!
Also, it has been years now, and they have yet to make any kind of announcement about me.
with all of the negativity you read on ex-jw's websites and christian websites against jw's, one question comes to my mind do bac's(born-again christians) and ex-jw's think that they can do a better job at preaching the gospel/good news to the public?
while i don't agree with alot of what jw's teach i do admire their dedication in field service something i just don't see in born-again christianity.
i know alot of bac's that smoke, drink too much, cheat on their spouses, cheat on their taxes and don't receive any kind of church discipline.
While I don't agree with alot of what JW's teach I do admire their dedication in field service something I just don't see in Born-Again Christianity.
Are you kidding me? Both groups condemn billions of people to death simply for having a different belief system. The JW's system of knocking on doors is nothing to admire.
I know alot of BAC's that smoke, drink too much, cheat on their spouses, cheat on their taxes and don't receive any kind of church discipline.
I know a lot of JWs that smoke, drink too much, cheat on their spouses, cheat on their on their taxes and don't receive any kind of church discipline, too.
i was just nominated to the national dean's list.
i know that there are a lot of other college students and college graduates here, anybody ever been on it?
did it help your career, or is it just a waste of time?.
I was put into the National Chancellor's List twice ... same thing ... same company ... Dean's List is for undergraduate, Chancellor's List is for graduate. I bought their book the first time because I thought it was an honor, but the second time I didn't. I kinda think it's gimmicky, and their books and other memorabilia is outrageously priced! It doesn't cost anything to send in the form and be published though! It looks great to list on a resume, even if it is kinda gimmicky. And it is still an honor ... even if they do try to sell you a book.
i just finished reading randys thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/128072/1.ashx).
it occurs to me that his initial post here, with a bit of re-wording and reducing it to maybe three short paragraphs, would make an excellent letter to the editor of our local papers.
what if we all embarked on a letter-writing campaign to our local papers, using this as a basis?
Since it is currently out on DVD, I am wondering why it isn't on bit torrent or some other file sharing program on the internet. Are you apostates letting me down?
I would like to see it for myself before I write a letter of protest. But I most definitely will not purchase a copy and support the film makers.
why does the society hate smoking so much?
because it is "defiling" the body?
if that is the case, what about drinking coffee, or over-eating?
They do associate smoking with spiritism and that's why the Df.
Do you have a literature reference for this? I was raised in the org, and I remember it being for the reasons initially mentioned ... "defiling the body". I am young though, so maybe this was an earlier reason given. So many times, they keep the doctrine, and just change the reason.
watch the record spin and the judge preach:.
Wow! That was interesting! It was only posted on youtube a few hours ago! I can't believe people use to tote those around for people to listen to him at their door. I kept listening for him to mention a date, other than soon, soon, soon! But he didn't. Good thing it is only 4-something minutes long, I don't think I could handle listening to any more of it.
I looked up the username, "judgerutherford", and he has one other video posted of an old "gramaphone" record. It is of some man singing a "kingdom" song and he includes the riddle: "singing kingdom songs on my 78 windup gramaphone, who is it, i know but want you to guess who it is, the clue is, he was a famous film star" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moGIzofUmfc
I could only listen to the first few seconds of it before my stomach started turning and I shut it off, but I am curious as to who it is. Anybody care to take a stab? Obviously a male, I think he is American, and evidently a famous film star in the 30s to 50s era.
I hope after all this wondering, it is somebody I have actually heard of before.
this statement was made to me and i want to refute it with verifiable information on other denominations.
anyone with ideas?.
You might this link interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism_and_religion.
Also, this one: