I think there are three kinds of witnesses in this particular circumstance.
1) The diehard, devout witness. These will ignore anything negative about the society, because that is where there faith lies. For their entire lives they have spouted Jehovah this..., Jehovah that..., but have had 'society this' and 'society that' whispered into everything they read and hear. They will defend the society to the grave, even when irrefutable evidence is produced to the contrary. When information negative to the society is brought up, they are the first to close their ears and minds. They are so indoctrined and rooted in their ways that they will probably never change.
2) The mainstream, average witness. These witnesses are typically 1st or 2nd generation, they have had years of brainwashing, but there is still a hint of logic left in their mindset. They typically question the elders regarding doctrine, which is good, but they take the elders word at face value without further question, which is bad. These people will probably view bad news about the organization as persecution, the same as the diehards, but evidence here is vital. The more trustworthy the proof, the greater the wedge between these witnesses and the society. News from other witnesses in in this group carry a ton of weight here, they are trusted and listened to. This is the best group to offer convincing positive proof that the society needs to change. This is probably 80% of all JW's. They write letters to the GB, they attend meetings, they go out in feild service. The society needs to keep this group happy if they wish to continue the worldwide magaizine selling, er placing work. The GB has to change doctrine when this group begins to doubt.
It is for the benefit of these people that the org has flip-flopped so many times already. The BG watch the news, they know what these people are hearing, and they produce "new light" when it is necessary to keep these people happy because unhappy witnesses dont sell magazines.
They are generally good people, and they will have real problems with the society if the pedophile issue isn't taken care of.
3) I don't know that I would even categorized this group as "witnesses" in the strictest definition of the word, I speak here of those "weak in the truth". There are different kinds of witnesses in this group: new bible studies, those that less frequent in the field and meeting attendance, those that have had troubles in the congregation and recieved more greif instead of support. The possibility is really good that they will listen to the news we have to share with them, but they don't hold any weight in the congregation, so they aren't going to help changes to take place at the GB level. At best they will listen, bring their questions to the elders, but it will end there with them being councilled to gird their loins agianst the "worldly influences".
There is a glimmer of hope for the society. They know that tough times are ahead, they have already started the propaganda mill to head off the "evil apostates".
We need to continue with these issues as we always have. Get it out so the general public knows - mainstream media, much to the detriment of the society, is still a powerful tool. People DO watch, they will hear, and the society will have to address the issue and change their ways to keep the average publisher happy.
Is that naive? I think not.