Hello Professor,
They CAN"T speak up about the wrongs they have done. There in too deep. Their hands are too dirty. Not all the confessing in the world can wipe clean over 120 years of taking trusting peoples time, their money, and their lives, (both real and figurative).
And speaking of money, that, I believe, is THE most pivitol reason they continue on like nothings wrong.
A bureaucracy, by it's very nature, has as it's number one goal, to survive, to continue, to perpetuate itself. The org may call itself a "theocracy" but I ask in all fairness, "What transsendent qualities does it posses that give the impression that it's "directed by God?"" Here's a hint org, LIES AND FALSE PROPHACIES ARE NOT IT!!! The org, therefor, falls directly under the definition of a man made bureaucracy, IMHO.
The orgs biggest strength is their ability to manipulate people to get their money, and they know it. They have been doing this for so long, they are not going to let a few dissatisfied "whiners" ruin their cash cow, (trusting men and women).
So Prof., the only confessing the org will be doing is throwing the public a few bones to the media using words like "oversight" and "saddend" from their batch of lawyers. They have been the head of their "gang" for so long, they would rather take a bullet in the head than give up one iota of the power and control they have enjoyed these many years.
Boy, what a rotten way to start the day, talking about the org.