Well there are certain levels of logic and reasonableness and one being illogical in one regard does not necessarily mean they will not be logical in another. Knowing the witness organization and their 'conservative' stance on sexual issues, I think its 'logical' that they would not include information on masturbation seeing that it is a book aimed at 6-11 year olds.
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
The Assembly and What Wasn't Said
by metatron infeel free to correct me but i am utterly unable to find any trace of the blood issue or mention of masturbation in the.
new book for kids released at the assembly.
it certainly deals with other issues that require instruction such as birthdays,.
The Assembly and What Wasn't Said
by metatron infeel free to correct me but i am utterly unable to find any trace of the blood issue or mention of masturbation in the.
new book for kids released at the assembly.
it certainly deals with other issues that require instruction such as birthdays,.
Since the new book was for "younger" kids, I don't think they would include information on masturbation (JH's recent post notwithstanding) I DO find the non-information on blood interesting however. Possibly another sign that lawyers are having more say.
The 10 point resolution adopted at the 2003 District Conventions
by crownboy inas most of you probably already know, from time to time the watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention.
this year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "keep bearing much fruit to jehovah's glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption.
here's the main jist of the ten points (i didn't copy it word for word):.
If the light gets any brighter, some of you will go blind.
Best. Quote. Ever.
Need an Ordained Minister in the Dallas area!
by pr_capone inas i'm sure you have already read.... jesika and i are to be wed. if anyone here is or knows of an ordained minister of jop who would be willing to preside over our nuptuals for a low to no charge it would be greatly appreciated.. please send me an email to [email protected] with any information that might help us.
as i am switching to active duty at the moment i have had a momentary stop in pay that is causing us to tighten our belt for just a bit.. please let us know asap.
kansas district overbeer
Yeah, can't you go down to the county administration building and get married there by J.O.P.? I know you can here in San Diego.
Interesting analogy [WARNING: LONG!]
by embalmed ini found this recently and thought it was pretty interesting.. .
once upon a time, there lived a very powerful king.
he was the proud father of many children, but wanted more still.
Heh, Simon...
Anyway, yes it does seem like the pinnacle of cruelty to damn mankind to eternal mortality just for the first "inexperienced" humans eating some fruit. Almost sounds like the stuff of LEGEND or MYTH to me.
another one of those... goodbyes
by MrMoe inno instant messenger, no emails, nothing.
well... it is complicated.
the entire time i was married i went to a friends house one time.
I hope I'm not a wierdo!
Good luck, and I will miss your presence.
When A Friend Lies....
by pettygrudger ini have a question for you - what do you do when you catch a "friend" in a lie.
i have a friend who i haven't known for a long time....and so far i have "caught" this person in 2 lies (no one on this board, or any board for that matter).
lies that weren't necessary.
Kill them
New Releases - What is there left to write about?
by truthseeker inhi everyone, and thanks to all for your comments in my recent posts.
i can't always get round to logging on, but do appreciate your feedback.. now for a question - what is there left to write about?
i mean, isn't printing 24,000,000 awakes and watchtowers enough?
Well, I think its supposed to replace the old great teacher book
The Prophet AK makes a prediction...
by TheApostleAK in.
don't be too surprised if soon when you read a latest wt or go to their meetings that all you hear is some of the standard evangelical xtian stuff like grace, faith, kindness, mercy etc and no (and i mean no) endtimes crap, organsation or fds anymore.. btw this prediction is not in the name of god.
I just mentioned this in enother thread, but I'll elaborate on what I said. They have already done away with a lot of the apoctalyptic teachings, like the generation, and they haven't set a "date" since 1975 (or perhaps the 'weaker' dates of 1994 or 2000). Some are wondering if 1914 is the next docrine to quietly fall. Then they could change the earthly paradise to mean the "spiritual paradise" that they call their organization and say that the prophecies concerning the paradise have already been fulfilled.
What is a generation?
by larc ini think we all know about the changing definiition of "generation" by the watchtower society.
i thought i would highlight history in terms of generations.
my great grandfather was born in 1850. that would make him 29 when russell started his religion.
Well they already fixed it with their "word magic" also known as "new light"
How long until they do the more insidious "switcheroo" with the paradise? You know, say they are already there with their "spiritual paradise"? I hear them emphasizing this more and more.