JoinedTopics Started by crawdad2
I can start getting better...
by airwlk149 inhi guys.. this is a post where it's gonna be like a diary entry for me.
this will help me get out some things.
those who have been in the chat room recently with me know what's going on.. last night was so hard for me.
by D8TA ini was born in to your so-called visible earthly organization.
you taught me well; with the intimate details in the machinery you call the society.
you assumed that your strict exercises would suppress my ability to achieve a free mind.
How sweet.. a loving plea from my brother
by noidea ini am writing to express my concern for your welfare, both physically and even more importantly, spiritually.. i know that you have long resented me and any help in a spiritual way that i have tried to help.
the resentment goes way back and to tell you the truth, i don't know why you have felt this way.
anyway, i know that you don't want the help from the 'brothers', so i feel that i need to try at least one more time to help you reason on which direction you are going.
Are children dying? Or arent they?
by flower1 in*** watchtower 1998 december 1 p.14 defending our faith *** .
4 second, jehovah's witnesses have been targets of false accusations-barefaced lies and twisted presentations of their beliefs.
as a result, they have been the object of unjustified attack in some lands.
by moman inof course the sexual abouse of children is horrible, but what about the "slaughter of the innocnents" by the borg?.
a child does have the chance to recover from abuse, but not death!.
the watchtower knows that its blood policy is based on misinterpretation of schripture & bad science, yet they allow this insane policy to continue, as more die every day, after all, "jehovaha's people are a happy people!".
Elder John Doe-Able to handle anything!
by D8TA in(start the d8ta ironic, sarcasm machine).
yep...elder john doe, you know him, we all know him.. in my lifetime i would have to say i know about ooooh 30 some odd elders, and a dozen co's and maybe 1, 2, do's.
and ms's...can't even put a count on those.. and i reflect back, and look presently, as to who these people are.. now, i know this isn't every single "elders" story, but from my experience...these are the one's i knew:.
by ARoarer inhas anyone seen or heard of any letters going out from headquarters to the body of elders directing them to inform the congregations not to watch dateline?
i was wondering if this is really true or just a rumor.
if it is true, this is terrible that they can actually deny members freedom of press or punishment.
"Jehovah's Witness School"
by Jacinta ini posted my experience on this board and took for granted that some may have never heard of the jw school.
i don't know if they exist in every state (apparently not), but the one i went to is named new world education center.
all of the teachers had to be baptized jws and the principal as well.
Wait on Jehovah!
by jerome ini have just been thinking about the "wait on jehovah doctrine" for a while because of the silentlambs fiasco and a thread started by you know.. i think that the jws have a certain amount of lead way when it comes to this teaching, i.e this wait on jehovah doctrine is not all bad because the bible teaches that you to trust in god and to have faith, which is totally understandable.. the bible further teaches that 'faith can move a mountain' but i dont think that this verse should be necessarily taken too literally because i dont know of anyone who has moved a mountain simply by faith alone.
but thats just me mabe some of you have move literal mountains simply by faith.. i think that scripture mostlikely refers to the problems in life that you have little controll of like can put food on the table, dont have a place to sleep and you just cant see a way out of your troubles so you put them in the hands of god and have faith that the lord will bring you through to see a brighter day.
[thanx mulan].