Topics Started by 2112
Possable "New Light"?
by 2112 inwith all the "buzz" around the up-comming october anouncment, i have a question.
i have thought about this for a long time, is it possable that they would tell all those married to non-witnesses to divorce their mates?
it could be for the reason of "unevenly yoked", and/or keeping spritually clean.
Should we be concerned?
by 2112 ini was just thinking that there maybe a dark future ahead.. i hope i am way off but you never can tell.
we have all seen a lot of talk recently about the end is near, etc.... yes, i know they have always said it.
but they were never in this bad of shape, shrinking membership and funds.
What is there to learn?
by 2112 ini mean really, besides changing some stupid rules now and then what is there for a jw to learn?
how many biblical truths or new understandings have come out in the last 3,5,or 10, years?
they keep on "studying" and yet they learn nothing new.
When did Jesus return?
by 2112 ini know this has been talked about before but i still find it ...interesting.. if jesus did return in 1914(invisibly) why do the jw still observe passover.
was it not to be observed until he arrived?
maybe that is the new light jesus did not come in 1914 he is coming now, and that would explain why this may be the last memorial.. just a thought
Is This Possable?
by 2112 inwe have a lot of posts hear about the society's lack of substance over the past few years.
as a result many dub's are leaving.
yet i have also noticed many dub's trying to attend more mtgs.
Schizm, Scholar and other WT defenders
by 2112 inschizm, scholar or any other wt defenders, please if you have a topic, like a bible verse, a wt doctrine, a non wt doctrine etc.
start a thread, we will discuss it with you.
but keep the discussion on the subject don't attack people just because they don't agree with you.
This just occurred to me;
by 2112 inwe all know that the nwt is a truly lousy version if the bible.
when they started using the bible why did they not add their own writings.
i know they use the wt and other books but i mean, in the lines like the mormans did.
A fun discussion to have
by 2112 inthis is the first thread i am starting, hope it works.
i remember being told over and over again "if you are in a religion that teaches everything about god 100% correct with the exception of one thing, no matter how small it may seem.
you must reject that religion as being poison.