The avatar I'm using now I got from a site that sells a large size painting of it, is it illegal for me to use it here? I don't want to get the forum into trouble.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
New Year = New Avatar
by liquidsky insince i've been a member of jwd for a couple of years, i guess it's about time i show my face.
i don't care anymore what my family thinks so here it is.
anyone else ready to come out?.
The 144,000 and what makes them tick.
by Clam ini havent been to a kh since i was a teenager and was always intrigued by the 144,000 and that some supposedly resided in my congregation.. questions about them were inevitably met with ambiguous answers.
"they just know they are" was a favourite reply when i asked how these "anointed ones" received their calling.
has anyone known any jws who reckon they're in the 144,000 club, and what makes them think they are?.
"From an elevator that was going up."
LOL. He didn't quite make it then. -
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
surely JWs aren't questioning the diety of Christ? Someone(non JW) said to me that because JWs believe jesus was created, albeit in heaven, he cannot by definition be a god. Is this a logical inference? -
The 144,000 and what makes them tick.
by Clam ini havent been to a kh since i was a teenager and was always intrigued by the 144,000 and that some supposedly resided in my congregation.. questions about them were inevitably met with ambiguous answers.
"they just know they are" was a favourite reply when i asked how these "anointed ones" received their calling.
has anyone known any jws who reckon they're in the 144,000 club, and what makes them think they are?.
Star Moore,
" Became annointed 5 years ago then dropped out this last year. I'm sure it's very different with everyone but with me I was understanding through some of my music that I have that God was telling me I was annointed."
Where exactly was this music emanating from?!! -
Advice anyone? On how men think and faithfulness.
by gabriella inthis may be kind of a long story but any input or advice would be really appreciated.. i have been married for three years to a really good guy.
he's my best friend and confidante.
not the most spontaneous person i have ever met (he says it is because he is very comfortable in the relationship).
You're having a laugh girl. You're either confused or egocentric either way it's bad. You even got the title of this thread wrong. All I read was the drivel of a spoilt little girl. Your pathetic friend hitting on his brother-in-law's wife is no better either. A good beating might set him straight. Are you really stupid enough to believe anything he says. Stop indulging your spoilt feelings and show respect to the person you married and to the sanctity of your union. If you can't handle that get divorced before you bring children into a loveless lie of a marriage(if not too late) then have your way with whom ever you want. If I was looking for a partner and came across you I'd run a mile. Not because I'm better than you, I don't think that, but because you are unfaithful and spoilt.
Hope this helps
Spectrum -
Within Our Lifetime Again?
by GermanXJW inmy father showed me a watchtower, i thing it was feb 1st 2006. the last sentence of the first article said something like the reader could live to see god's judgement.
anybody has the latest issues at hand?
Considering people for hundreds of years back then, when Noah preach for 120 years it is likely that the people that first heard were still alive 120 years later to witness the flood.
So JWs can't apply this rule because no one is alive today from 120 years ago to witness armagedon.
What's the point of having to preach that long anyway. You'll only be confronted with a new batch of heathens that need converting. Preaching beyond one generation doesn't make sense. -
I've read some pretty imaginative Fairy Tales but....
by lucifer ini must say the bible takes to prize, they are pretty creative, i mean a snake that is a devil talking to a naked woman trying to make her eat fruit, or how about a man who gets his strength through his hair (sampson i think) and an evil woman tricks him and cuts it off, anyone else feel like the bible is a good bedtime story, but now they left the borg find it hard to believe??
God becomes a lowly man to save his creation only to be killed by his creation.
I suppose we created airplanes and airplanes have a bad habit of killing their creator. -
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
"What are you saying? Is your light growing dim?
Are you saying you are confused? Discouraged?"
No, I didn't explain it well. Compared to when I started on this forum I now have a dim view of JWs. Previous to this forum, I only remembered that they weren't particularly a loving bunch and were more materialistic than one would expect. These were my personal experiences. But since having joined this forum I've read so many tragic stories that it's changed my view of them way beyond the mildly negative view I had pre this forum.
'my Light is getting Dimmer' is just an antithetical play on the JWs metaphor 'the Light is getting brighter'
Spectrum -
Beards are evil, but do you know why?
by free2beme inas a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
Maybe next they'll reason, that homosexuals are clean shaven all over so JWs should start looking like gorillas.
Aliens/UFO's...Do You Believe In Them?
by Legolas in.
after reading another thread it got me many here believe in aliens?
have you ever seen a ufo?
I don't believe that the sightings are UFOs most of the are hoaxes and the rest are people with mental instabilities or very creative minds.
There probably are other life forms out there and if the human race doesn't annihilate itself then we'll probably meet them and annihilate eachother.