Yes thankyou fokyc I always appreciate you taking the trouble to scan it for us.
I'm with Gayle. Where are the highlights. Surely they would have been there if there were any. Be interesting to see what they show in April.
Yes thankyou fokyc I always appreciate you taking the trouble to scan it for us.
I'm with Gayle. Where are the highlights. Surely they would have been there if there were any. Be interesting to see what they show in April.
talking with a friend, yesterday.. he said asked if the jws attitude had changed on attending meetings.. it seems that while browsing the internet on his phone.. he came across a website that said, "that missing meetings was not wrong , as jehovah knows whats in your heart.".
he couldn't remember the websites title, just that it had "watchtower" in the address.. has anyone else come across this?.
i find it odd that the watchtower would say such a thing, considering the way they are are the moment.. seemingly more strict on meeting attendance.. .
They would never say that officially. It was probably someone that goes on the internet regularly, with much of their own ideas, rather than the societies.
so, i'm sitting at my desk one morning, about a week ago.
the desk is right beside my sliding glass door in my new ground floor suite.
the drapes are wide open and i'm sitting in full view of anyone coming up the driveway.
I remember I did a post last year I think about JWs looking like they are going to a funeral. That is still true today. If they are doing door to door work it just not enter their mind that they should do incidental witnessing.
It will be interesting to hear from you guys that are still connected with JWs how the earthquake in Japan has affected their ministry. I'm thinking that this weekend all over the world they have been pointing to it, to show the end is really near.
i think we should all support them...:-).
Yes, in UK recently a christian couple who own a guest house would not let a gay couple stay there in one room in one bed. They lost their case as you can no longer discriminate against gay people.
just curious if anyone has up to date numbers of worldwide active jws?
are there more that have left than are currently in?
they bang on about growth in numbers, but after reading the wtbs numbers heading towards 8 million, other threads have suggested its more like just over 7 million.. also being a newbie, and isolated due to illness, can anyone tell me about china and the work thats not happening.
This is why the internet is so good. When someone wants to find out something about JWs all they have to do is put it in the search engine and out pops a mountain of imfo. Never again will they see the increases of the 1970s
i don't get around to visit this board very often these days.
still, when i do, i always come across a thread or two by former jw's who are now church members.
they don't look any different to me than jw's in so many ways:.
I have totally changed to being a much more thinking person and on the look out for new imfo all the time to improve mine and others life.
As a witness I was so happy when I saw something bad in the news. For me that meant I was right spreading the doom and gloom of the JW message.
I supose I am sitting on the fence re. an inteligent designer. Certainly I agree with much of what I learn about evolution and the natural world.
hi, im paula from wales, uk.
ive been studying for 6 years with jws.
they came at a vulnerable time, my best friend died in a car accident when she was 6 monthes pregnant, i was drinking heavily, no work due to agoraphobia, meddling with the ouija board etc....i felt they helped me, cured me if you like.
Hi Pams girl,
Welcome to the site. I am so sorry for all you have been through. I too neglected my family, because we were taught to always put the organisation first. It really was not your fault that you could not be with your mother at the end of her life. You were a victim as are so many others to this organisation.
I have been out 15 years now, and boy I am so glad I left. You will find there is so much they have not told you, and now thanks to the internet you will be able to see for yourself the societies terrible history and read about the thousands that have died because of their false promises.
Please stick around here, you will get as much help and support as you want. Many on here will have gone through much of what you had to endure and they can tell you how they have been able to restart their lives again.
I wish you well, and thanks for sharing.
i'm in ch 9 in my study, and we will go over the section "major developments of the last days" (pars 6-9) next week.
although i don't see anything special in pars 7-9, i think par 6 allows the jw's to strike a chord with people, and i was wondering if anyone could help me with how to respond to it.
they are able to quote real figures in that paragraph such as "three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century ad to 1899.".
Since the end of world war 2 there has been relative peace. Maybe ask him what time period he thinks was a good time to live in, then research it yourself and almost definately it will be worse than the time we are living in now.
Also why does he thiunk there was such a population explosion in the 20th century. It is because people are living longer, less child deaths, and certainly since 1945 less people dying through wars.,0,405865.story .
I know a lady who is the oldest living person in U K. She is 112 next week. She has a poster that says 'I intend to live forever. So far so good!'
i used to post here a lot a few years ago.
this forum helped me out of the organisation with my husband and 3 boys.. we are now all more or less out and very happy.. me my husband and my youngest left almost instantly we realised the lie.
my middle son gave us a little grief at first and then left when he understood what were were saying.
When I was in it, the social thing was very high on my list for staying in. There is no doubt about it, you can have a very good social life in the org.
Thankfully I and many others did not let that keep us in, and although I have less friends now, I know the ones I have got are not going to drop me if I say something they do not agree with