Totally disgusting how some of the local community use the accidental shooting as a reason to completely defy the law. Looting, shooting guns, fighting, destroying peoples property and no social distancing whatsoever. This guy would not have been shot with anything if he had simply done what the officer asked him to do.
Posts by alanv
Why Do People Loot and Destroy When Someone Gets Shot?
by minimus insomeone gets shot and or killed and hundreds of people decide to loot and destroy businesses or whatever else is in their path.
what does this do to make things better?
i really don’t get how they think it makes things better or solves anything..
The Holy Spirit made a mistake in selling off KHalls ?
by Splash ina couple of years ago the wt began their program of selling off dedicated kingdom halls and consolidating congregations into fewer halls.. had they kept these halls, more sparsely occupied as they were, they could by now be bringing everyone back while respecting the distancing laws.. jw’s love to find reasons how jehovah foresaw something and guided them, but it never works the other way when they make a decision that later on turns out to have been a bad idea..
They have realized that different congregations can share the same hall. That allows them to sell off many Kingdom Halls to increase the Watchtower bank balance. Then if and when a Hall becomes too full, they start afresh in building a new Kingdom Hall with free JW labour. A real lucrative racket. Also around 10,000 witnesses worldwide have died so far from covid. They are desperate to keep those figures down, as it reflects badly on the org. So they keep the JWs at home as much as they can.
Whatever Happened To The Flu?
by minimus inhas the flu vanished?
has it been replaced by covid?
no one is talking about making sure you get you flu shots.
In the uk, many vulnerable people take the free flu jab once a year. It will probably be the same with the covid jab
Questions I have about the "Ministry School".
by Pallbearer ini remember that jehovah's witnesses used to have a 2-hour, 2-part mid-week meeting which included a 1-hour "ministry school" followed by a 1-hour "service meeting".
please correct me if i am wrong in any respect but to the best of my memory the ministry school was composed of 4 parts, as follows:.
part 1: an "instruction talk".
I must admit I learnt a lot from the Ministry School as well. Obviously helps when you know the audience are not at all hostile to you, as is the case sometimes in other audiences where a person may need to make a presentation
Questions I have about the "Ministry School".
by Pallbearer ini remember that jehovah's witnesses used to have a 2-hour, 2-part mid-week meeting which included a 1-hour "ministry school" followed by a 1-hour "service meeting".
please correct me if i am wrong in any respect but to the best of my memory the ministry school was composed of 4 parts, as follows:.
part 1: an "instruction talk".
Overall, the time spent at meetings by 21st century JWs is much shorter than it was in the 20th century. Once a week the book study would be held at a local witnesses home for one hour. Then another meeting would consist of the Ministry School for one hour, followed by the Service Meeting for one hour. Finally that week there would be a one hour public talk, followed by one hour of the Watchtower study. Plus of course time travelling to and from all those meetings, and time spent before and after chatting with other witnesses.
Memorial Prep question
by ExCircuitOverseer inso are individual witnesses being told to prepare bread and have wine on hand for the zoom memorial?
are they saying it’s “vital” or is it just a “suggestion?” .
I have no idea why individual JWs would want to buy the bread and the wine. The vast majority make no claim to being annointed, and instead look forward to living on the earth forever. So they are saying they are not part of the new covenant, so they shouldnt be partaking of the emblems. If they know that, why on earth would they buy something they will never use.
AstraZeneca Vaccine For Canadians
by Vanderhoven7 inthe usa is "selling" us canadians huge shipments of the astrazeneca vaccine.
i wonder why they ordered them in the first place if they are not needed in the us..
LV 101. THe death rate in 2020 compared to other years has showed large increases in most of the countries with thousands of deaths. Check it out yourself if you dont agree The Oxford Astra Zenica vaccine is being sold to governments at cost price, i e hundreds of millions of doses at no profit during the pandemic. Have you any idea the pain and suffering that those who need hospital treatment have to go through? Would you be happy for any of your relatives to go through that? What about the many cases of long covid, which is the after affects of covid that is already affecting thousands of people throughout the earth, many of whom will never have a normal life again
AstraZeneca Vaccine For Canadians
by Vanderhoven7 inthe usa is "selling" us canadians huge shipments of the astrazeneca vaccine.
i wonder why they ordered them in the first place if they are not needed in the us..
LV101, and thousands of people are dying right now because they have not had the vaccine yet. Even if the vaccine has been the cause of some blood clots (and there is no proof of that) the advantages of having the vaccine far, far outweigh the very few people that may have had a reaction to it.
AstraZeneca Vaccine For Canadians
by Vanderhoven7 inthe usa is "selling" us canadians huge shipments of the astrazeneca vaccine.
i wonder why they ordered them in the first place if they are not needed in the us..
Im glad they are selling them. Im meant to be visiting Niagra Falls in June. I will have had both my jabs by then, and hopefully many Canadians will have had theire's as well. The Astra Zenica vaccine has been proven to be totally safe, as has the phizer vaccine. People need to listen to the worlds experts not read some misinformation online.
When You Were A Witness Did You Believe Everything Taught?
by minimus inobviously at some point you stopped believing the witnesses had the truth or else you wouldn’t be here.
but for the most part, were you a true believer or were you typically a rebel or a doubter?
I found myself in the situation where i was regularly conducting the book study on the Revelation book, and many of the points being made, I simply didnt agree with. It was the start of my fade a short time after.