Welcome to the board Alpha 1. I applaud you taking this guy on but I do think you would have got different answers from a more mature witness.
There are many scriptures that call Jesus the son of God so that would cause no concern to them
The scripture says the father is greater than I am. That is exactly what witnesses believe. Jehovah the creator and is greater than his son
Your point on Jesse proves nothing. There are many sons who are greater than their father and vice versa
The Alpha and the Omege means the beginning and the end. A witness will tell you that Jesus was the beginning and end of all creation
The point on Apollyon is that these days the Watchtower teaches that this applies to Jesus, and the locusts are the 144000 spreading the kingdom message.
Although the scripture calls Jesus a might god the witnesses would say yes he is a mighty god but not the ALmighty God. After all you could call Satan a mighty god. He does have mighty power as does Jesus
Having said all that there are many ways to show the Watchtower is a false prophet and it is great you want to expose them.