To be honest as a loving dad you dont have to have a special day with your son, you can just have him as much as possable during the year. I'm sure it does not matter to him whether its fathers day or any other day, he will be pleased to spend time with you any time.
Posts by alanv
Oblivious to Father's Day
by Nosferatu inhey all, it's been a long time since i posted here.
life's been having its ups and downs, but that's a subject for another day.. anyway, this year i thought it would actually be nice to spend father's day with my kid.
his mom usually has him for sundays and for past father's days, i didn't mind because he was still kinda too young to realize what the day was about.
Why send Satan down to earth in 1914 - didn't we have enough problems?
by Xanthippe ini was just reading an old watchtower quote on another thread, he was quoting it straight from by the way, and i was astonished to be reminded of this teaching.
why would a loving god crown his son king and then send satan and hordes of demons to our planet?.
we live in a huge universe, why send these monsters here?
I seem to remember the society saying something like, Satan started world war 1 so nobody on earth would realize the Kingdom had been born in heaven at that time lol
1914 gone??
by Crazyguy innow that russell is no longer important do you think this is designed so they can drop 1914??
There is no question in my mind that they will carry on ditching 1914. Thy have ditched Russell very easily, and that was a pretty big step, yet the sheep just accepted it. As has been pointed out they have been talking about it less and less over the past years. JWs will accept whatever they are told provided the gov body state it as fact (which they always do)
How did disfellowshipping work before the elder arrangement?
by slimboyfat inas i understand it disfellowshipping started in the early 1950s, but the elder arrangement didn't come i to place until 1971. nowadays three elders discuss and then vote whether the disfellowship.
but what did they do when congregations didn't have a body of elders.
who decided when to disfellowship then?
I joined up in 1968 and seem to remember that there was a congregation servant who was chairman and two other 'servants' who joined him in discussing whether someone should be disfellowshipped or not. Very similar to today in fact. Certainly behind closed doors.
God Of Love Kills Millions Of Innocent Babies And Pregnant Women For Not Knowing Him At Armageddon Yet Still Condemns Abortion?
by frankiespeakin indo you see the contridictions of the governing body's made up scenerio?.
There are masses of contradictions when you start examining what the gov body say. It's just another nail in their coffins
FAQ - from the official web site "Do You Shun Former Members of Your Religion"?
by therevealer inthose who were baptized as jehovah's witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned.
in fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest..
If you leave the org and say nothing to anyone about why you left you will probably not be shunned. But once witnesses ask you why you no longer attend meetings and you then procceed to tell them, you will be shunned by those witnesses after that. And if you actually dare to start the converstion as to why you left, then you will be shunned by all witnesses that know you have done that.
Circuit Overseer sign up sheet
by A question ineveryone knows that people sign up to have the co over for lunch wed. through fri. but in your area, did they (even privately, outside of a sign up sheet) also invite him over sometimes for dinner as well, at all?
is this something that varies by co?.
What does it matter if and when he accepts an invitation out for a meal. It is up to him. Nothing is written in stone. He can go out to Macdonald's every day if he wants to and pays for it himself.
My daughter asked to be an unbaptized publisher. What do I do?
by Indian Larry inbrief background:.
i am a 3rd gen witness.
several of her friends are already baptized.
Larry, the point about the baptism second question, is that you are agreeing to work with and follow the organisation. If you then go against what you have agreed to do in front of hundreds of people, then you are clearly going against your agreement. It does not have to stand up in law, just within the org. They can say that you agreed to work along with the org at your baptism, and now you are not doing that. Therefore you have showed us by your actions that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Shunning could well then be the next step, as many have found out to their cost.
My daughter asked to be an unbaptized publisher. What do I do?
by Indian Larry inbrief background:.
i am a 3rd gen witness.
several of her friends are already baptized.
When I was a teen I was a reg pioneer and a mini servant. I was told that college was a complete waste of time as this system was almost done. Everything I told the folks on the door about what God was about to do was untrue. Hundreds of hours talking to people and every word I said was false. She needs to research the organisation independantly from the org. She knows what they tell her but I doubt she has spoken or read anything by ex witnesses. If she is truly inteligent she will not fall for all the rubbish they tell her. I really hope she does not make that first step into being a publisher, if she does you could lose her to them.
Another Lie/Revisionist History in todays WT study!!
by BU2B ini caught yet another revisionist history deception in todays wt lesson.. .
here is a quote from paragraph 4 of the 2/15/13 study edition.
"decades before 1914, jehovah's worshippers declared to the nations that the end of "the appointed times of the nations" would come in that year and that the world would enter into an unequaled period of trouble.".
The point is Russell and his cronies felt this was the time of trouble that would lead to Armaggeddon. It did not. It had nothing to do with God taking action against the nations. It just turned out to be an extra large war. If it had been God's war, all nations would have ended in destruction, as it was, many nations were not part of the world war, and most of them lived to fight another day. This was not what Russell expected and spoke of at all.