I think the flock have the funds, they are just opposed to spending their hard earned money at Assemblies
Posts by alanv
Beginning of Electronic Assemblies?
by Fading Begins indo you think this could have been an experiment to see how smoothly these events can be processed, and what the reaction is from the rank and file?
it would sure save a lot of money if events like this could replace at least the one day circuit assemblies.
there has to be some recognition that the "flock" is becoming weary and they don't have the funds to be travelling to these events.
The contrast of the religion's magazines Today as compared to the Past!
by LongHairGal injust out of curiosity, i picked up several of the religion's magazines that were laying in a public place.
half of them were recent editions of the wt and awake and the other were older editions over 12 years old.. the contrast is like night and day!.
i am not referring to the paper, either.
Hi LongHairGal, I would just say, are you comparing the dumbed down public edition with the old mag which was for JWs and the public. They would say they purposefully keep the public edition light so as to attract more readers.
second study article July 15th 2013
by inbetween inlast weekend congos around the world studied the second artcile of the famous wt 15th july.. it dealt with the prohecy in matthew 13 about the weeds and the wheat.. while they claim, that the gathering in the storehouse took place after 1914, the gathering to the kingdom of heaven will be right before armageddon.
what they did not mention, was when the resurrection of already dead anointed will happen.
why some of them shine brightly in the kingdom, while others are still on earth ?.
As time keeps ticking by more and more the society are distancing themselves from 1914. They have written less and less about it over the years.
Totally agree most JWs have no idea how you get to 1914 from 607 BCE. Very soon I am sure it will gradually be forgotton. At one time that would have been unthinkable but I believe soon they will have no choice. I hope I will be around to se it happen in my lifetime.
2013 November Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in2013 november our kingdom ministry.send space (click the link by the blue arrow)http://www.sendspace.com/file/0gdri1.file swap (click slow download)http://www.fileswap.com/dl/bfstz7xalq/.file flyer (click the green download button)http://www.fileflyer.com/view/cbxjfbx...atlantis
Hi Dozy, there is a thread on the topix website that is about this Kingdom Ministry. As you said it is so dumbed down that the FADS have to tell the witnesses to say who they are and why they are there when they call at a door lol.
Do you believe God is using the governing body to lead his organization?
by Zoos inwere familiar with the statements about how a persons claim to be anointed is between that god and the individual.. the governing body went on to say: "a number of factorsincluding past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalancemight cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling.
we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
the governing body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.
Hi Zoos, they say they have no list of the ones who claim to be annointed, but surely it is something stated on everyone's record cards. So all that is needed is a figure from each cong of how many they have. So why do they say they have no record I wander?
It wasn't supposed to be like this
by molybdenum inthis is not the way it was supposed to be.
gray hair and pains in the knee.
you will not grow old or suffer from age.
I remember being told at an assembly in the 1970s that the great tribulation was not in fact round the corner, it was now right in front of us lol
Questions from Readers ... In light of the new understanding of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, is it appropriate to refer to C.T. Russell as Brother Russell?
by mindnumbed inin light of the new understanding of the faithful and discreet slave, is it appropriate to refer to c.t.
russell as brother russell?.
in the past, some well meaning ones took it upon themselves to refer to c.t.
Yes the recent 'new light' has helped them in several ways, and getting rid of Russell was an obvious ploy. Its funny, for many years witnesses have been defending him and now they don't need to as the society have dropped him and now say he was just an ordinary bible student who got some things right and a lot of things wrong. lol
The first reaction of a JW with Cog Diss
by Phizzy ini don't think any jw is without cognitive dissonance, unless they really have no thinking ability whatsoever.. so, once their beliefs are challenged, what is their first reaction ?.
nearly always, in common with others who have cog.
diss, they challenge the integrity of the one offering the challenge they " shoot the messenger".. for example, the alcoholic or heavy drinker, when confronted with what may happen healthwise, will challenge the integrity of the research.
Interestingly I recently had a chat with a friend of mine who is a Catholic. He was speaking about the virgin Mary and the fact that Jesus was her only child. I tried to show him that in fact Jesus had fleshly brothers and sisters, and immediately he shut up shop. He just would not entertain the possibility that what I said might be true. He wouldn't even look at the bible verses. Many JWs are the same, they like what they believe and do not want to actually check if it is right or wrong.
JW drone posted typical JW response about Syria on my Facebook wall
by TheStumbler ini like to keep politics and religion off my facebook.
i have friends.
colleagues and relatives on there from all different backgrounds.
To be honest I think I would have left them on and added a comment about whether one country messing up means all other countries are no good. You could remind him that his comments are seen by many and he will be a laughing stock if he thinks all countries act the same which clearly thet do not.
Does the WBTS encourage circumcision?
by Frazzled UBM inmy wife is determined that my son will get circumcised when he is 10 or 11. i tell her that if she wanted him circumcised she should have done it when he was born and that it will be his choice and if he says no i will support him all the way.
one thinkg i am not sure of is whether she is so adamant about this because the wbts requires or encourages it or because it is a cultrual practice int eh philippines (certainly leaving it until 10 or 11 seems to be a filipino thing.
so my question is more directed at the practice of circumcision rather than the age at which it is done..
I remember talking to a Phillipino man about this years ago. He was adament that 10 year old boys actually look forward to having it done. I said to him surely not, but he insisted that most of them really want it done at that age. Sod that lol