JoinedTopics Started by cyrano
A Little Charity Goes a Long Way
by cyrano ingrant recipients.
thanks to our donors, since 1992 we have made $2 billion in grants to over 56,000 charities throughout the u.s., making fidelity charitable gift fund one of america's leading public charities and #1 grantmaker.. .
during the 1999-2000 fiscal year, our donors supported the following list of organizations.
Watchtower Endorsement of the UN-Their Words
by cyrano in"it called upon all peoples to recognize and accept god's kingdom and it exposed the unfaithfulness of christendom in endorsing a substitute , the league of nations" - babylon the great has fallen pg534.
"the very league of nations and it's successor, the united nations, represent an international conspiracy against god's kingdom... this international organization for peace and security by human means is a deceptive counterfeit for god's kingdom by his lamb.
" - babylon the great has fallen pg596.
Watchtower's Secret Agenda
by cyrano init has been recorded in his own material, his admittance to being a freemason.
" i am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a word about some of the things in which we agree with our masonic friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to masonry, and we also are masons.
i am a freemason.
Another Failed Watchtower Prediction
by cyrano inthe watchtower 1989 january 1 p. 12 .
the apostle paul was spearheading the christian missionary activity.
he was also laying a foundation for a work that would be concluded in our 20th century.
I called Brooklyn today...
by dins inhad a few spare moments so i called wts in nyc.
a pleasant woman who asked if i was the press, answered the phone and directed me to someone else, who then directed me to someone else, who finally put me in touch with someone who identified himself as patterson.. i explained that i had read the article in the guardian newspaper and i was concerned about the article.
he asked if i was a jw and i said no, my parents and grandmother are.. i then asked him what the response was.
To SCREAM or not to SCREAM???
by cyrano injw women have a greater need than jw men to stay ever vigilant and attentive of the watchtower's back and forth rules and regulations which they have the nerve to teach is "new light" from god.
if a jw woman is raped, she may actually face disfellowshipping from the body of elders who will interrogate her soon after the crime has occurred and will listen with the utmost attention to every little detail.
depending on the "new light" from the governing body, if she doesn't scream during a rape, she will be charged by the elders as an adulteress ... someone who may have actually 'enjoyed' the violent act because of her silence.
by erik inhi, my name is erik.
this is my first posting.
i was a witness from the age of 2-18. i was baptized in 1990 as a jehovah's witness.
Lessons at the Grocery Store
by stephenw20 ina peaceful day outside ,its a bit hot, after all its phoenix arizona.
a day two parents take their baby boy food shopping.
how very common, its done every day.