What brought this up?
(interested because I have an open relationship).
i'm a anarchist basically with a ever widening opening mind.
and i believe in them i don't beleive that either sex should dominate over the other .
on the grounds that every one is master over thier own body, and so to demand loyalty in the use of anothers body seems wrong.
What brought this up?
(interested because I have an open relationship).
i know that many a thread has been started on new years resolutions, and well - this one is no different (albeit nearly a week late).
this is about me and what i want to achieve in 2008. .
i love having a loads of comments on any threads i start, but since this is purely a self indulgent thread, i am not expecting much, but any tips or suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Wow ! Nice things. I really like your list, I could use it for myself, except I already ride and have 6 horses. Only I am just not motivated to ride right now, so mine could be, start riding every day again like I used to and get fit to compete again. I need to lose weight too "all of it" like you said. I mean Im not fat but would be called voluptuous and really, to compete well, you need to be "slim'.
this topic is not about men living sinfully at the time of their appointment as elders.
it is not about pedophile elders, although i've personally known three, two who were pedophiles at the time of their appointment by the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.. first of all a quick summary of what jehovah's witnesses are taught about the appointment of elders and ministerial servants:.
before the visit of the circuit overseer, the local elders meet to consider who, if any, among the local congregation they will recommend as elders or .
Interesting read. My JW mum believes that when elders make right decisions they were guided by holy spirit, when they make wrong ones, they're not.
this was mentioned on another topic but it needs it's own thread.
ok, i'm gonna say it again.
if your relatives will not speak to you.... do not let them have any contact with your children, period.
I think it depends on the situation. I trust my MIL not to preach to them, my FIL is a grumpy old bugger who would only turn them off of religion anyway. I do not trust my mother though. She's a died in the wool 2nd gen witness. Now that she won't speak to me she will not see them, if she comes back onto a more even footing as she does from time to time, then that will be OK.
Mostly though I am teaching my kids to have analytical, critical thinking skills. To see the sides of every story and not to take anything someone says as fact, but as their opinion and to do their own research.
in this thread i mentioned having a long chat with an elder last summer.
i didn't realize i had never posted the story, so here it is.. last summer (when i went to buy my new camera lens) i ran into one of my favorite jws at the photography shop.
he was buying a camera bag for his new dslr, and i saw him, went up and greeted him, hugged him.
Thankyou Odrade, I really enjoyed reading this and it made me feel better about a lot of things. Im not pulling any punches anymore either. I have been tiptoeing around them all for too long.
they knocked on the door at 7 p.m wearing their badges.
i didn't realize that they ever sent women out.
actually we had a few sessions with a couple of mormon elders over a year ago.
LMAO I love John Safran. Magic Underpants, teehee maybe i should wear THOSE to the hall.
we should start an annual festival of "secret sin" at the kingdumb hell.. from now on hamstergod has made it known thru his true prophet (moi !
) - (imagine your own thundering divine squeak a la gibbering buddy):.
"the first sunday in february shall be forever, even unto eternity, known as "wear womens panties under your suit to the kingdumb hell day".
The panties will be a piece of cake, Im just not sure they'll let me in with a suit without a looming judicial committee.
(Maybe i should just wear the panties?)
ok here's my thoughts.
i'm gonna ramble for a few minutes!
if i die and jehovah is going to resurrect me with all my memories and everything intact... hummm how to put this delicately.
Well Duh! Anyone who's read the bible know that! Of course he is perverted, he's an ego maniac sicko, who loves to watch people die and commit "sins" then suffer in guilt complexes.
by jesus returning in 1914 by only directing his attention towards earth...(flip flop flip flop) what does his actual presence consist of?
is he projecting his spirit from heaven..... .
what do they mean by presence now ?
If you're present invisibly, wouldn't you need to show you were here somehow, by doing something? What marked Jesus invisible return? Were did he return to and where from? Is he just twiddling his thumbs now?
ok... lets get the ribbing aside.
our mormon "miracles" are more unexplainable than yours.... one of the many tools used by the morg to keep it's members active is the use of faith promoting stories involving apparent miracles... or the unexplainable.
there are unexplainable stories even in my own family.
There was always this thing about pioneers and shoes. Miraculously shoes would arrive just when a pioneer needed them. I remember when I pioneered thinking, gosh (actually not gosh because that was a kind of blasphemy) I really could do with a new pair of shoes. No shoes ever came my way. I wonder if that was because the holy spirit knew I was going to become a 'postate?