my girl and I are getting married Friday
All the best for your wedding, new light. The bride will be focusing on her family and friends (as well as on you) so don't worry too much. Just enjoy the day!!
haven't posted here in a while, but i"ve been out now almost three years.
just looking to hear from others who have had trouble making friends due to a childhood of jw antisocialism toward the real world.
it's really starting to piss me off that i still keep people at a distance and do things to nip any new friendships at the bud when it gets that far.
my girl and I are getting married Friday
All the best for your wedding, new light. The bride will be focusing on her family and friends (as well as on you) so don't worry too much. Just enjoy the day!!
alright, i have been divorce almost 20 years.
my kids are at an age where they are not so needy.
i have two grandkids.
Sounds good purps. I'm jealous.
are there any d'f'ed people out there who have been able to reach their families effectively with info about the jws on issues such as un membership, ajwrb, etc.?
how could you get them to actually read or research the mails (if you sent them the info).
i thought about creating a fake apologist newsletter that pretends to prepare them for "challenges and objections", but i don't know where to start exactly.
I'm a fader and have a good relationship with my family. However, I can't get through to them on any issues. Their minds are closed.
untitled document <!-- .style1 {font-family: verdana} --> stepping out of the shadows this thread represents my one-hundredth post since .
registering with this discussion board since august 06.. if anyone ever asked me whether or not i was one.
of jehovah's witnesses, chances are that is some-.
We can't replace your friends but it's great to have you here with us!!
so how are you spending your saturday morning?.
i'm just quietly going about my chores - eagles dvd on in the background - as i tidy, sweep, scrub and dust.
each track that i hear seems to have a special meaning for me.
Thanks to all of you for sharing a bit of your weekend with me.
so how are you spending your saturday morning?.
i'm just quietly going about my chores - eagles dvd on in the background - as i tidy, sweep, scrub and dust.
each track that i hear seems to have a special meaning for me.
So how are you spending your Saturday morning?
Me? I'm just quietly going about my chores - Eagles DVD on in the background - as I tidy, sweep, scrub and dust. Each track that I hear seems to have a special meaning for me. Whether that's nostalgia for another time or place - I don't know, and I don't care. I'm at peace with the universe.
So if there's anyone out there feeling a little stressed or melancholy (or even if you're feeling fine), put on some music. A favourite album from years gone by or something new and inspirational. Let it sink into your soul and be at peace with yourself and the world.
at one of the places i work the secretary is able to bring her kids to work with her .
last week her oldest turned four years old and they had treats and several of us brought her gifts during the day .
today one of my co-workers came up and wanted to know if she could ask me a question .
it is hard to ever be free of the Org
That's true, especially when you've faded - it feels like you can never truly be yourself.
someone asked if anyone had a post of one of the awake declarations of 1975 end of times i found this link:.
So does anyone actually know the exact month in '68 that this article came from.
This is from the October 8, 1968 edition of Awake! magazine. The cover of the magazine had the caption:
"IS IT LATER THAN YOU THINK? Is time running out for this generation? What will the 1970's bring?"
making a documentary
if you had the opportunity to create a documentary .
or movie about the life within the watchtower society.
A movie: The Preacher's Daughter.
Why: I think it's a catchy title - sounds like it could be saucy.
Storyline: Follows the life story of a girl born into a strict jw family in the 1950's (with the father being an elder, ie preacher).
Could contain:
The movie could start with the funeral and as she is sitting there in the back of the kingdom hall, she has flashbacks to events in her life.
Then again, to an outsider it might all seem rather pathetic.
i am dating someone who recently left the jw religion.
i am not a jw, nor do i align myself with any specific religious organization.. intellectually, it was very difficult for me to accept that he could be absorbed into what i believe is one of the strongest cults of our society, but in time i realized just how easy it was to be absolved in something that you are forced into out of fear.. he's at a point right now where he is reading/researching various literature and discussing his experiences openly *such as boards as these* and i encourage such discussions.
he does not see himself ever returning to the religion and is even willing to face that he may be shunned from his own family as a result.. here is where i am "stuck".
Hi dyone and welcome!
Leaving jw's is a difficult and emotional journey. If you really love this man and have common interests (other than just physical attraction for each other), I guess your relationship has as much chance of succeeding as any other.
Worst case scenario is that his family will shun him as soon as they find out he is having a relationship. Sex outside of marriage is strictly prohibited and would result in disfellowshipping (and subsequent shunning by everyone including family). For this reason, your friend might currently be unwilling to disclose to his family that he's even having a relationship. Your presence wouldn't be "tolerated" - your presence would be non-existent.
Where the daughter is concerned, you will never be able to get excited about any celebrations. However, you could set up your own traditions and make her life a whole lot happier than the average jw kid.
There is a lot of variation between jw families - some are less strict and are willing to bend the "rules". Are there others in the family who have left? Maybe extended family who are not jw's??