That was an interesting discussion.
Posts by penny2
JW RN having conscience issues
by orbison11 in.
Bethel Tour-long sorry
by samiam2b ini'm new as a member but have watched the site for a while.
one of my kids, who lives in another part of the country, came for a summer visit from another state and asked to go on a bethel tour.
she lives with her jw mother and is surrounded by jws and they even baptized her recently.
she pointed out the residence building a mile away
That was a bit disappointing! The most interesting part about bethel for me was seeing the rooms where they live, the kitchen, the library, the dining room and the offices.
I went to a bethel in Europe - I had already been filled in on what a hell-hole it was so to see it firsthand was fascinating. The bethel in Australia seemed friendly enough.
Not allowed to sleep over - is that weird?
by collegegirl21 inokay, so my guy and i have been together for 10 months and we usually are ok together.
but there is something that has been getting to me and i think its unusual, but please correct me if i'm wrong - he won't let me sleep over at his house.
and he hardly ever stays at my house, he's maybe stayed here 3 times in our whole relationship.
he uses listerine right after we kiss or have sex or whatever
That's not normal at all. I think he has some sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He's trying to hide that from you. While you are happy to have your own place, you are his ideal girlfriend because he can engage in his compulsive cleanliness without scrutiny.
Not allowed to sleep over - is that weird?
by collegegirl21 inokay, so my guy and i have been together for 10 months and we usually are ok together.
but there is something that has been getting to me and i think its unusual, but please correct me if i'm wrong - he won't let me sleep over at his house.
and he hardly ever stays at my house, he's maybe stayed here 3 times in our whole relationship.
Is it OK for you to drop in unannounced at his house?
I'm thinking you might not be the only girlfriend.
who have you murdered? my life is over again
by coaster inis it wrong to even think about it?
how can a religion take over and have so much control.
i know truth, but only when is walks up and sticks a finger deep into my eye socket.
Coaster, your life aint over, it's just beginning. You've been in a bad place, that's all.
Is JWD a healthy place to be for those who have left the Watchtower?
by AK - Jeff ineveryday, that i read, write, think and talk about the watchtower society makes me think whether or not i have really left it for good.. .
i fail to see the good in reliving the past in this way.
the discussion board features individuals that have 3 to 6 years on the board and individuals who have left the organization more.
Since leaving the WTS, I have failed to make any real friends. Loads of acquaintances (mostly ex-workmates), but no close friends. I still have my family but I have a need to interact with others as well.
Therefore, you out there are MY FRIENDS. For me, time on JWD is time spent with friends.
Daniel-P's Convention Experience
by daniel-p inwell, i'm here at the convention, and boy is it a dozer.
all the speakers blur together - they all sound like the same exact person with their superficial emphasis on the "key points.
" today was a tad juicy, with the "stay away from the demon-enhanced apostates" symposium and the "you don't need an education to scrub toilets, jerk" talk as well.
D-P, I so enjoyed your post! Many of my extended family are at the DC in Adelaide today. It's so good not to be there myself.
Wow, winnie - that's fantastic! With the shortage of qualified medical staff in Australia, you'll be assured of work for as long as you want it!
I think the fade is working.
by R.F. ini had a conversation with my mother yesterday.
by the way i'll say that she's back in the hospital again after a complication.
she should be out in a few days, but she's fine though and getting better each day.
There are so many advantages in going to college.
Apart from learning a skill and meeting new people, there will be longer periods of time where you are not thinking about JW-related matters. And you are still young too - easier to learn than when you get older.
Good luck, R.F. Sounds like your life is going in the right direction.
To answer the original question, yes, I went to college while still attending meetings. Among other things, I learned about Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" theory and started losing the guilt.