JoinedTopics Started by Darkchilde
What's your theme song?? (OMG too funny)
by closer2fine inhttp://www.emode.com/tests/song/.
mean people produce.
British People Ask: Does America Know.....
by Englishman inbeing a sociable sort of animal i enjoy the cut and thrust of lively pub banter in the mid-evening.
however, there are only about 3 or 4 of us who take part in on-line discussion forums such as this.. time and again, because it is known that i take part in this forum, i am asked the same sort of question: .
"do americans in general realise that the uk is totally 100% behind them in this present crisis, not just the politicians, but the grass roots of the country, do they know that we feel outraged at the wtc attack, as outraged as if it had been on london?".
Bush's speech -- I'll be the first to admit...
by Seeker in...it was an effective speech.
i was impressed, and thought it only fair to say so here given the recent political discussions.
by Amazing insome of you have read posts here, and on other forums, in magazines and newspapers, and maybe watched tv commnetary that alleges president george w. bush is less than brilliant, perhaps under-qualified for office, etc.. evidence seems starkly missing from these allegations.
during campaign 2000, the media started painting gw as being mentally 'one can short of a six-pack.
' but, has anyone, and i mean anyone provided even an ounce of evidence to support this?
Something DIED in me on Tuesday
by Amazing ini appreciate the words of another poster who commented that he felt it unwise to post in anger.
i have tried to hold calm and keep my anger in check, but that started to change with my nato posting yesterday.. i am set back over 30 years: i was raised to respect all races, and not to be prejudiced.
i was also raised a proud american, and that it was important not to tolerate bullies.
Dumb-Ass Bible Characters
by Black Man inwhether or not you believe the bible to be true, you must admit that the portrayal of some of its characters are really dumb.
my picks for stupidest characters in the good book are:.
eve: gets the dunce cap and the invite to stand in the corner everlastingly.
Your alternative choice of music at the KH is ????
by alliwannadoislive inoh ... sitting there ... waiting for the interminable end of the dreary and elongated rambling of someone with no public speaking skills at all ... please end ... anything to break this monotony is welcome ... even singing about 'christian youths' would be more welcome ... music pllllllease ... ahah 'now brothers, we will move into the service meeting with song number 47' ... and out blares ... guns'n'roses 'black leather' .... what cd would you like to sneak in there huh ?
i gave my word
by teejay inginny, you said, .
i understand the thinking, i guess, it's just that i was never (am not) that way.
if i am a laughingstock, it is only because i believed the way you presented yourself.
The Secret of Sunchild
by Darkchilde inyes, it's me, "sunchild.
" i apologize for posting something so self-indulgent and mostly off-topic, but i sense that i've confused a few people here lately.
maybe this will clear things up... or just raise more questions.. i know that i'm not quite as old as some other people who post here.