WOW.....that religion has screwed with alot of heads but somehow I think it's probably made us all somehow stronger individuals. I was never molested, except emotionally, so I can't imagine the scars you carry. I checked out "," not knowing what it was, when I first discovered these sites a few weeks ago. The testimonials blew me away and actually made me cry. The devastation that this so called "truth" has brought upon lives is unexcusable.......If there is a hell, I hope they burn in it.......
Peace, T
JoinedPosts by deddaisy
Wow! I'm so glad I found you all.
by curlers ini was raised 3rd generation dub.
my dad is an elder as his dad was and my brother and the other brother is ms on the way to elderhood.
i'm df for 21 years when i was 20. the only credit i can give my parents is they're crazy would be whether they were catholic, buddist or atheist.
The "one-Scripture" Rule
by LDH inso much of jw belief is based on just one or two scriptures, while they ignore the thrust of true christianity!
here are some examples:.
1. the faithful and discreet slave--mentioned once in the bible.
yes Lisa, it certainly is a set of "double standards!!!" I heard, don't know how true it is, that a LOT of the guys at Bethel are REALLY HEAVY DRINKERS because they can't do ANYTHING else........I guess since Rutherford was such a drinker, it'd be kind of hard to chastise the "brothers" for drinking.....and it's that "one scripture" logic again, my brother always says (a heavy drinker) that at ????scripture Jesus turned water into wine therefore blah, blah, and blah.......I will admit though that alot of JW's don't have liquor at their weddings, but my point is "if THEY want to they CAN) And as someone mentioned above, why don't they DF obese people? (no I am not picking on fat people, I'm picking on JW's lack of logic)....I mean they disfellowship ALL the TIME for smoking and when I mention this to my JW family, they're like "well it's because your body is a temple and smoking is disrespectful of your body. Now I agee that smoking sucks, I quit myself, but "shunning" someone because they smoked a cigarette!!! Is smoking and harming your OWN body somehow more disrespectful than MOLESTING a CHILD'S BODY? Isn't their body and mind also a temple?? Am I missing something? I also mentioned to my family that the Bible warns against gluttony, and I see ALOT of OBESE sisters....I don't mean they have chubby thighs, I mean they are fat to the point of it being a health concern....And don't give me that "thyroid problem" excuse, I'm talking about the refrigerator raiders!!!!!!They're like "well you have to have food, you don't have to have cigarettes." Excuse me, but an addiction is an addiction............
The "one-Scripture" Rule
by LDH inso much of jw belief is based on just one or two scriptures, while they ignore the thrust of true christianity!
here are some examples:.
1. the faithful and discreet slave--mentioned once in the bible.
deddaisy was the reasoning that I, as a brownie, would've had to step inside a demon-infested church?????oh yes, the DEMON stories, my little JW nieces had their heads filled with those lovely stories too. Yes Will, that church thing sounds like JW logic, they wouldn't want their kids CAUGHT IN A CHURCH for GOD'S SAKE......that wasn't my parents reasoning though, they didn't like the "of America" thing........anyway, there doesn't have to be reasoning .......if the WT tells them to step in all puddles because Jesus did this at Jerimiah Jones 3:7, they step in all puddles............
The "one-Scripture" Rule
by LDH inso much of jw belief is based on just one or two scriptures, while they ignore the thrust of true christianity!
here are some examples:.
1. the faithful and discreet slave--mentioned once in the bible.
Oh, and I forgot to mention in my above rantings, WHY IS IT THAT I COULDN'T BE A "BROWNIE" WHEN I WAS A KID (you say that's shallow? well not to a 9 year old...) I'll tell you why, my parents informed me that because "brownies" were affiliated with "Girl Scouts of America," they were EVIL, and I could not be one (no cute little beanie cap for me) AND NOW I find out that those hypocrites in NY were part of the U.N.!!!!!!!!!! getting fatter and richer and STILL screwing with lives.........
sometimes I really believe that the governing body were such a bunch of weird-o's that they're now determined to make everybody else's childhood weirded out too...(you know how they say the abused continue the cycle?)....I mean do they ENJOY having 8 and 9 year olds believing that the little "brownies" at school are going to DIE at Armageddon for being fricken BROWNIES!!!!...
The "one-Scripture" Rule
by LDH inso much of jw belief is based on just one or two scriptures, while they ignore the thrust of true christianity!
here are some examples:.
1. the faithful and discreet slave--mentioned once in the bible.
Interesting post LDH !!! I've always wondered too, why it's ok to celabrate the anniversary of your marriage, but it's somehow made into a "bad" thing to celebrate another year of LIFE......I mean isn't life the most precious thing that was given to us by Jehovah supposedly, but marriage, I feel gives more self-glory to the couple just for staying together another year.......(actually I don't see a problem with wedding anniversays)....On my birthday I always think of my mom, not myself, how happy she told me she was on that day, the miracle itself.......Besides, someone had a anniversary party for my JW sister and her husband and almost 100 people were there!!!! (I personally enjoyed the excuse to get together) but my point is, I don't see how they had no problem with THAT yet they would not even ACKNOWLEDGE it when it was their daughter's birthday, like the word itself was somehow evil. Obviously some old grump came up with this rule, it certainly wasn't thought up by a woman that had ever given birth.........Scripture or no scripture, does EVERYTHING in that SOCIETY HAVE to be so weirded out!!!
Memorial Thursday
by Georgia inmemorial is this week on thursday.. i will be travelling with my jw mother and need.
to take her to kh for memorial.
i need to explain to her why i can't go there and.
I can't help you out in the scripture area, but I agree that you should explain to your mom that you would otherwise partake, but for her sake, won't....I guess you need to do what you feel is right but for what it's worth, I took my baptised mother to the Memorial a couple years back, even though I personally DID NOT WANT TO ATTEND! I went because my father had recently passed away (he was DF'ed)and she was having a hard enough time emotionally. I can honestly say that I have absolutely no regrets about putting my personal feelings on the subject on a back burner and escorting my mother to a service that meant alot to HER. That was the last Memorial that she attended, she passed away seven months later. She wasn't a "Gungho" witness and I could've gotten away with not taking her....But I'm glad that I didn't make a big deal of it. It's not worth it as far as I'm concerned.
Peace, T -
WT's Alliant TechSystems bought Boeing 4 Military
by jwsons inwe all know well about watchtower owned 50% shares in regi (reg technologies inc.), a shareholder of alliant techsystems which developed rand cam engines.
in case you haven't known it yet, it's here :.
"Maybe since "the end" has been put off so many times, they are gonna predict a new date then do it themselves?"
Will PowerThat is too funny!!!!! It's a shame that this will fall on mostly "deaf" ears.....but wonderful news nonetheless
where were you when the world ended?
by animal inbeing raised by a single mom was bad enuff for me, a hard headed boy.
add to that a mom that was in and out of the jw's all my life and you can see where the potential for disaster for me came from.. none of you know me, i just found this site while doing research on the death of someone in california (ex-jw).
i like what i see, for the most part.. i was raised from a young age with the threat of death in 1974-75 if i wasnt a good witness.
i was in the same boat as you when the "world ended!!" it must've been a life boat cuz we're still here! Didn't you just love it too, they totally screwed up your head with their "1974.5 JW REALITY" so that you did massive drugs in order to escape," THEN they had the balls to tell everybody that you were all screwed up because you weren't accepting and living your life according to the "truth!!!!" day they'll be exposed....yea oh Wiz, oh Biz, someone's gonna pull your curtain....just out of curiosity, is your mom still alive, is she still in the "truth?"
Peace, T -
New book on JW's
by RR injust received a new book i ordered on barnes and nobles website.. jehovah's witnesses.
portrait of a contemporary religious movement.
andrew holden [2002].
what's up with that "Miracle Wheat" story? It sounds familiar, I think I read about Russell (or Rutherford ?!) selling miracle wheat (through the Watchtower) on one of the websites....
oh, nice effects D8TA !!!
(I can't even do those "quote" thingies.....) -
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst ini have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
".....hope there aren't children involved by that time."