when I realized it was the only way to part with the invading JWs
+ I wanted to have kids at last, but for a JW+exJW couple, that is out of the question
for those that broke up with a boy/girlfriend or a spouse, how do you know that you made the right decision?
when I realized it was the only way to part with the invading JWs
+ I wanted to have kids at last, but for a JW+exJW couple, that is out of the question
given your past life experiences and your current enlightenment would you ever get into that level of commitment again?.
Van Gogh and Calliopé, you're really too cute.
Joe, I fully agree with Dansk. Are you so sure the Chinese family would not agree? I'm often in China. Ten years ago, westerners were still the attraction on the street, but things and mentalities have changed considerably. Marrying a dabizi (long nose) has become quite accepted. China is more and more part of the global village.
given your past life experiences and your current enlightenment would you ever get into that level of commitment again?.
My answer is yes!
I had a pioneer mariage, my ex didn't want to have kids, etc. We had a great life together, until I left the org in disgust, and our marriage crashed down.
I had just one idea in mind: flee from that insane org, and have a real family at last. I'm craving for exchanging unconditional love, and become a dad.
But I also need open-mindedness and tolerance. I'm wondering if I could find such a rare pearl.
i am a 34 your old man who has been raised a jw.
i am baptised and have been inactive for some time now.
i live with my mother (a devout jw) and my youngest sister who is df'd.
Thanks alienagent, you're welcome.
I'm sure you saw the last episode of that series. Numbers 1 though 12 will eventually turn out to be monkey-like aliens, and will escape from Brooklyn to the deep space. Their attempt to seize control of the earth has failed.
They could not get an accptable reply to this most intriging question: WHY DID YOU RESIGN????
this seemed like a likely place to introduce myself.
i live in oregon and was disfellowshipped a couple of years ago.
i never went back to meetings and i don't intend to go back.
Hi Keeli!
The first time I befriended a disfellowshipped one was such a great liberating experience! Welcome among us, you sinner, impure leper! Hope you'll find refreshment for your soul.
Philip (Khufu)
i think this is the first clear, official statement regarding hemoglobin-based products.
august 2006, front page title "blood: why so valuable?".
"Blood - Why so valuable?"
Yes, valuable indeed. More than life it seems.
Wait a minute. Blood is the symbol of life, right? Which should be more valuable?
I'm so confused here. And where in the Bible do they read about the "sacredness" of blood?
Now, those pharisaic reasonings are most incredible. They filter the hemoglobin, and swallow the poor dubs alive.
i am a 34 your old man who has been raised a jw.
i am baptised and have been inactive for some time now.
i live with my mother (a devout jw) and my youngest sister who is df'd.
Hi Alienagent!
Welcome! I'm myself a very recent member. (My own story is on http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/115231/1.ashx) I Hope you'll enjoy the support here.
You already know what you should do: Take back your life! There's no need to hate the WTS, or reject God and family, just don't let legalism govern your life and depress you anymore.
You have a choice in front of you:
I just wish you to keep a good relationship with your mother and sisters.
Lots, lots, lots of happiness to you!
how has your thinking changed from growing up worldly, to joining jw's, and back to normalcy again?
i began studying at 21 and stopped at 25, without getting baptized.
i no longer seek out anything to satisfy my inner self.
I joined the JWs at the age of 18, and twenty years later I left them when I realized the extend of the hypocrisy at the top. First of all, I find my new freedom delightful. It's not a freedom to misbehave, as the WTS insinuates apostates seek out, but freedom from cynical, lofty, sectarian, legalist and criminal intermediaries between God and me.
One of my colleagues attends an evangelical church. She's a sincere christian, always striving to do her best. She recently got some bad news from relatives. As she felt depressed, she went to her pastor for encouragement. That fine shepherd found nothing better to say than "You're an obstacle to the pouring out of holy spirit upon yourself."
Great! Nearly as good as our dear men in Brooklyn.
I'm so glad to have learned how we should see all those fine directors and their churches. That's a precious lesson.
ok, how do i put music into the page?
it's been years since i've made a web page.
which should i use midi or wav?.
Not to mention the copyright problem
this has probably been brought up before,
why isn't there a record of annointed ones through history?
why weren't they preaching and teaching jehovah's kingdom and all that.
2000 years of faithful transmission of the sacred knowledge, generation after generation, and then Joe Rutherford
Men have so much imagination when it comes to justifying their authority
The last time I was in a class was at school
Funny also to see the similarities between the WT org and their catholic competitors