Hi Dani, welcome to the next leg of your life's journey. I think we all felt like we went through a divorce when going through the realization you have just begun. It will take you a while to feel good again. Hang in there. You'll always find someone on this forum to help. Soon you will realize that it's not you at fault. Things will get better and better. Glen
JoinedPosts by Deleted
Hi, I'm new
by danidancer ini'm a 30 years old women.
i was witness for about 11 years and left them 3 years ago.
it's been a very hard time to get used to the reality.
Were You Filled With Guilt During Your Witness Days???
by minimus ini was seldom guilty because i was a "good" jw.
most of the witnesses i knew always seemed to be guilty about one thing or another....were you one of those??
I was a good JW (until 1995) AND I was guilty (felt like an imposter) AND I was a convert and chose that way of life! So I only have myself to blame, which I do, frequently.
SURVEY: How Long Have You Been Out Of The "Truth"?
by minimus inare you still "in"?
have you altogether stopped attending meetings?
for how long have you been "out"?
The last meeting I attended was in August 1998. I consider the date I left to be January 5 1999 when I started seeing a therapist, a lovely man named Tad Achord who was a registered Adventist deprogrammer. My Adventist neurologist suggested him.
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
Hey Jared, best wishes on your new journey. It'll be a bumpy ride for a while, but well worth it. As you know already, there are so many here who have been in similar circumstances that you are not alone. Glen, who once was Deleted.
Finish this Sentence- JW's are good liars because.......
by doodle-v in.
because they are brainwashed into thinking that "distorting the truth" is ok in circumstance involved in defending their faith-theocratic warfare.
they constantly lie to themselves about what kind of person they really are and deny themselves life's pleasures-hence the "double life syndrome" lie to friends at school, lie to elders, lie to people in the cong.
.... they believe that everything worldly is subject to their Theocratic Warfare tactic of deception.
Deleted's Top Five Poll #2 - What books helped you get out of the Borg?
by Deleted inhere's my top five books that helped me considerably to see my way out.
(1) edward rutherfurd's novel "london" - it dawned on me that generation after generation thought theirs was special in god's eyes, this novel started me thinking.
(2) crisis of conscience - by you know who, wow!
Hey, thanks every body (there's some books here that I shall have to read). I am printing this out for posterity.
Deleted's Top-5 Poll#3 "What did you learn that put you over the top ...
by Deleted in... never to return.
" (btw, thank you all for indulging me in my top five polls) mine go like this: (1) i read the www.freeminds.org website, page by page (then i read crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom) - thank you so much randy and ray!
(2) support4xjws (now http://www.network54.com/forum/128637) - i was a bit of a lightweight for the old forum site "h20" (it was like battlestar gallatica) - but the folks at support4xjws was just what i needed: people to listen, and amazingly similar stories - thank you mommie dark, spock, tishie, helen et al.
... never to return." (btw, thank you all for indulging me in my Top Five polls) Mine go like this: (1) I read the www.freeminds.org website, page by page (then I read Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom) - thank you so much Randy and Ray! (2) support4xjws (now http://www.network54.com/Forum/128637) - I was a bit of a lightweight for the old forum site "H20" (it was like Battlestar Gallatica) - but the folks at support4xjws was just what I needed: people to listen, and amazingly similar stories - thank you Mommie Dark, Spock, Tishie, Helen et al. (3) I actually read The Finished Mystery (1917) - if Jesus had actually chosen the WTS then it's all caca, it's all caca and Jesus didn't pick them. (4) Books and websites on Gnosticism (there a whole bunch missing from the "Bible") - there is so much else to consider it makes the WTS seem petty and stupid, which it is, very. (5) 1914 is a hoax, at best - it makes me wonder just how many people at the branch offices know that it's a lie, that there is less than zero support for 607 BCE being the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and tens of thousands of pieces of forensic evidence that puts it 20 years later. I'm struggling with just 5, how about yours?
What religion are your puppies?
by Deleted ina neighbor stopped by to see 8 year-old billy's new puppies.
billy told the neighbor that these were jehovah's witness' puppies.
the neighbor was puzzled, but let the comment go by.
Carm, is that like a Jack Mormon, so your pup's a Jack Russelite? (btw, the orginal joke was Catholics and JWs, but I thought it apropos for us as JWs and Apostos)
What religion are your puppies?
by Deleted ina neighbor stopped by to see 8 year-old billy's new puppies.
billy told the neighbor that these were jehovah's witness' puppies.
the neighbor was puzzled, but let the comment go by.
A neighbor stopped by to see 8 year-old Billy's new puppies. Billy told the neighbor that these were Jehovah's Witness' puppies. The neighbor was puzzled, but let the comment go by. A couple of days later the neighbor asked Billy how his Jehovah's Witness' puppies were doing. Billy said, They're now Apostate puppies! Why's that? asked the neighbor. Billy replied, Well, now they have their eyes open!
More Beautiful PHOTOS at the very tip of mainland Britain
by Celtic inearlier on this evening, i packed sarny's, took a bottle of drink with me, camera and headed off to the far west to the cove at porthcurno, one of my particular favourite stretches of coastline around here, porthcurno is the place from which the very first transatlantic cables were laid from connecting the uk to the usa.
just to the left of the very pretty cove, with the finest possible sand is the incredible and visually stunning minack theatre, a 750 seater amphitheatre carved straight from the cornish granite cliff from whence the views are staggering, next on to lands end via polgigga and trethewey, a few miles after which the setting of the sun between cape cornwall and lands end itself.
the lighthouse picture is the longships, with the scilly isles in the very far distance, beyond that is the usa, i waved to you all from here, the most westerly point in the country.. as per usual to enlarge pictures, click on them, they only take a second or so to load, then hover your cursor over the bottom right side and if a directional icon shows up, click again to make even bigger.. hope you all enjoy them as much as the pleasure i had earlier this evening walking by myself these cliffs and sands.. hugs to all you ruddy balmpots!
Beautiful pix, Celtic. I love Cornwall. We had a wonderful few days in Polperro a couple of years ago.